Bachelor of Information Technology and Management - System Administration
Submit official or certified copies of the marks or grades of courses completed prior to university or college entrance, as well as all board examination scores. In cases where official transcripts are not issued in English,
you must submit the official native language transcript along with a certified translated English version.
Provide a copy of your passport, which is needed to fulfill the visa requirements.
Submit letter of recommendations (Optional)
TOEFL iBT: 80 or above (20 minimum in all bands)
IELTS: 6.5 or above (6.0 minimum in all bands)
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:Duolingo 110 or above
The Bachelor of Information Technology and Management program offers seven specializations that target specific careers and more than 100 courses providing unparalleled breadth and depth at Chicago's only tech-focused university. Courses are taught by experienced faculty using a hands-on, reality-based approach to education in which students apply what they learn in class to solve real-life problems. The information technology and management curriculum is a blend of theoretical content and practical application featuring projects and laboratory-based instruction in which students will learn and then do. The program is designed to broaden and deepen students' knowledge of new and emerging information technologies, the application and integration of these technologies, and the administrative practices used in the effective management of these technologies.<br>Career Opportunities<br>Graduates of the Bachelor of Information Technology and Management program will be prepared to enter the industry in a variety of roles, including:Data analyst,Digital system architect,Information systems manager,Information systems and technology manager,Business systems analyst,Voice/data system analyst
展开 相关申请
伊利诺伊理工学院地处芝加哥,是一所以理工科为重点的大学。该校与Universities USA合作,开设有国际本科衔接课程(International Freshman Year,IFY)和国际研究生衔接(International Graduate Year IGY)课程。课程旨在通过提高国际学生的学术和英语语言技能来帮助他们为在美国攻读学位课程做好准备。学生可从涵盖理学、工程、商务、建筑、应用技术、人类科学、心理学以及设计的课程中进行选择。在2020年《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News & World Report)中,伊利诺伊理工学院名列全美第117位。该校为学生提供广泛的实践教育,致力于将学生培养成为能够在专业专业领域发挥作用的人才。该校毕业生的平均薪酬水平很高,学位课程的投资回报率名列前茅。与伊利诺伊理工学院的所有学生一样,学习IFY和IGY课程的学生可获得相同的有利条件和支持服务。伊利诺伊理工学院还专门为国际学生提供大量服务。该校为学生提供多种住宿选择,符合条件的学生还可获得奖学金。课余时间,学生可选择参加该校的众多社团和俱乐部,去探索芝加哥提供的各种精彩。国际学生在芝加哥可获得无与伦比的求学体验。在2018年《Time Out》杂志发布的''城市生活指数''中,芝加哥被评为全球最佳城市。这里环境良好,拥有丰富的文化历史,还有大量休闲娱乐活动及场所,如美术馆和体育赛事。这座城市还是职业发展的理想之地,有不断扩大的技术中心以及从医药到金融领域的市场。