Doctor of Philosophy in Signals and Systems - Control and Decision Systems
IELTS 7.0 TOEFL IBT 87 TOEFL PBT 560 All Official Transcripts Applicants for the PhD program must have a GPA of 3.5 in their MS degree andor in their junior and senior years of their bachelors degree Applicants interested in a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering are not required to have completed the masters degree in order to be considered for admission Those admitted to the PhD program without a masters degree are required to complete the UCLA MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering while proceeding toward the PhD The writing sample is part of the University application It is not required by the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department However if a writing sample is submitted as part of the application it will be available for the review committees consideration and may be used as part of the evaluation No updates of the writing sample will be accepted All applicants are encouraged to doublecheck all aspects of their application before submitting The Statement of Purpose SOP should be precise and brief The statement should be no more than 2 pages and should contain only those personal details that would aid the admissions review process A ResumeCV is required from all applicants Please upload the ResumeCV onto the Supporting Documents section of the application Applicants who have completed any graduatelevel coursework must provide official records from the institutions where the coursework was taken Applicants who hold a masters degree are expected to apply directly to the PhD program
Students who already hold a MS or PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering or in a closely related field will not be admitted for a duplicate degree at the same level Furthermore after entering the program no change in degree objective will be approved that would result in the granting of a duplicate degree at a level for which a student has an existing degree in Electrical and computer Engineering or closely related field
Fields considered closely related are other disciplines of engineering computer science physics and mathematics
All candidates to the MS and PhD programs must have received a bachelors degree from an accredited and recognized college or university The University Graduate Division requires that applicants have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0-4.0 However the most competitive applicants have GPAs within the range of the most recently admitted applications
- 雅思总分:7
- 托福网考总分:87
- 托福笔试总分:560
- 其他语言考试:NA
Control and decision systems research aims to develop the mathematical principles explaining how complex systems can behave correctly in uncertain environments. One key program strength is in cyber-physical systems, that network together collaborating computational elements with physical elements. We work in improving their functionality, autonomy, and adaptability, analyze their performance and ensure their secure operation. Applications include autonomous vehicles, transportation networks, medical systems, robotics coordination, smart buildings and smart power grids. Another strength is in the intersection of economics with engineering.
除了哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿,UCLA也许是中国学生与家长最为熟知的美国院校了。离太平洋海岸线不到5英里,与贝弗利山庄和好莱坞几分钟的路程,这样得天独厚的地理位置与高居不下的学术排名让UCLA成了众多孩子申请的默认目标。27000名在校生看上去数量很庞大,但其实,UCLA超过一半以上的班级人数都不到20人。他们分布在129个不同的本科专业当中。作为曾经全美公立大学排名第2的UCLA,拿的出手的专业自然相当多,其中最有名的应属工程和应用科学学院。作为NBA传奇球星贾巴尔的母校,UCLA在体育方面的造诣令人叹为观止。目前,UCLA的22支NCAA Division I 运动队获得的冠军头衔总数量排名全美所有高校的第一位。当中最受关注的是UCLA篮球队,无论输赢,场场爆满。每年注册参加UCLA校内运动项目的学生总量都超过8000人。