Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering and Security
Final Transcripts/Proof of Degree Completion - Admitted students are required to submit final secondary school (high school) transcripts and/or proof of degree completion (A-Levels, WAEC, CBSE, High School Certificate, etc.) before enrolling at DePaul.
If your transcripts/secondary school exam results were issued in a language other than English - In addition to the original language documents, you will need to submit word-for-word English translations for all pages submitted. If your transcripts and/or secondary school exams results were issued by the school or testing agency in English, you do not need to submit additional translations. IELTS - 6.5, TOEFL - 80 on the IBT TOEFL with no subsection lower than 17, PTE Academic - minimum English academic score of 53
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:Duolingo English Test (DET) - 105<br>PTE Academic - minimum English academic score of 53
Our daily interactions with the Internet are ever-increasing in scale and complexity. What was once a packet delivery system mimicking a postal system is now an intricate multi-tiered structure of protocols and services. The ongoing development and survival of these services depends on our ability to adaptively address challenges such as securing our interactions, scaling with users and devices, and meeting the ever-changing expectations in Quality of Experience and Service Availability.<br><br>Today, researchers at DePaul are addressing the aforementioned challenges with an eye towards providing higher service levels and reducing the energy footprint of Internet operations. They are studying how to optimize operations in machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet-of-Things (IoT) networks. New network infrastructures are being developed to operate in ad hoc situations, without relying on the Internet, to mitigate connectivity during power outages and in infrastructure-poor regions. The Internet is profoundly changing on multiple fronts. Video content is now dominating web traffic, and Internet service providers must now accommodate nearly 30 billion networked devices. Thus, we must re-examine every design choice and hold both current and future protocols to highly rigorous standards in development and performance evaluation.<br><br>The unique BS Network Engineering and Security (NES) program at DePaul University delivers both the theory and practice behind the design and maintenance of these diverse network infrastructures. Students have access to extensive lab facilities using equipment from Cisco, Juniper, and other manufacturers.
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德保罗大学是一所致力于学术卓越的私立大学。它位于美国芝加哥市,被评为美国最佳大学之一(2020年《美国新闻与世界报道》)和全美最具性价比大学之一(2020年《福布斯》 )。在来自十所学院热情和经验丰富的教学人员的领导下,大学有300多种本科和研究生课程可供选择。德保罗大学的班级规模较小,学生与教师的平均比例为15:1。这意味着所有学生都会得到他们所需要的专注。来自114个国家/地区的学生在德保罗学习。坐落于城市中心该大学有两个校区–位于商业区的卢普(Loop)校园和位于密歇根湖附近的林肯公园校园。大学校园拥有学生所需的一切:基本设施、舒适的宿舍、娱乐设施、运动设施等等。在空闲时间,国际学生可以享受350多个学生运营的一些组织。其中包括体育俱乐部、特殊兴趣小组、社区服务计划、专业发展和电子竞技。德保罗大学91%的本科生在毕业后六个月内找到专业工作或继续学习。专门的职业中心可为学生提供与职业相关的所有领域的支持,例如简历撰写和面试技巧、友好的职业顾问或在线帮助服务。经过培训的、专门的咨询人员可以与国际学生合作,使他们与合作伙伴雇主联系,为他们的员工提供全球视野。芝加哥是任何学生的理想住所。它拥有丰富的文化体验,包括表演剧院、博物馆和音乐节,26英里的湖畔地区是30多家财富500强公司的所在地,是成为专业人士的理想之地。