Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Honors) - Computer Graphics and Visualization
The Computer Graphics and Visualization concentration is designed to prepare students for work and/or for graduate school in computer graphics, visualization, and related areas. Computer graphics refers to modeling (including 3D acquisition) and rendering 3D objects and scenes. Visualization refers to using imagery to convey digital information and facilitate its interpretation and analysis. Jobs and activities for students graduating from this track may include:<br><br>Graphics-related Indstury jobs (e.g., Intel, NVIDIA, Microsoft, Adobe, IBM, Google) - working on graphics software, hardware, and applications.<br>CAD and Architectural Applications - developing CAD/Engineering/Architecture related appliactions.<br>Movie Industry (e.g., Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney, Sony) - working on creating movies and related tools.<br>Gaming Industry (e.g., Electronic Arts, Midway Games, Disney, Sony) - working on game programming and related tools.<br>Laboratories - working in one of several scientific visualization laboratories (though often a graduate degree is preferred).