Physics is a science concerned with understanding the fundamental laws of nature. It explains physical phenomena in everyday life, such as motion, heat, electricity, magnetism and light. It studies the origin of the universe, the behavior of atoms and subatomic particles, and everything in between. Physics is the foundation of all fields of science and engineering.The physics curriculum consists of sequences of interrelated courses that must be taken in the appropriate order. Mathematics is an important tool for physics. The courses taken by physics majors cover a variety of topics in classical and modern physics, and require significant preparations in mathematics. Well prepared students should complete the physics major in four years.Further study in physics, engineering, or other fields for advanced degrees,Entry into work in the public or private sectors,Teaching physics in high schools if the B.S. in physics teaching degrees is earned. Training in physics gives students strong abilities in critical thinking and problem solving, the two skills that are essential in any occupations.