Drew's chemistry majors share a love of science and apply their passion to many different areas: from biochemistry and medicines to the environment and synthesizing new materials. They use Drew's state-of-the-art labs to study chemistry, and all students conduct research mentored by a faculty member or RISE Fellow. With our curriculum approved by the American Chemical Society, Drew's graduates have great success in research, medicine, teaching and industry.<br><br>Chemistry has been defined as the science that studies matter and its transformation. Impinging on nearly every aspect of our material world, it is, by nature, the central science, standing between Physics and Biology.<br><br>The study of Chemistry is central to an understanding of the natural world and is the key to success in a variety of careers, not only those in the chemical sciences. Advances in biotechnology, materials science, and engineering have expanded the borders of Chemistry. It has never been more important than now that Chemistry be studied by all undergraduates to complete a liberal education or to begin a lifelong study.