Master of Science in Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Applicants should have the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor's degree in chemistry, including courses in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, as well as in mathematics and physics. Letters of Recommendation: two (minimum); three (maximum) GRE scores are not required Academic Statement of Purpose: one-page statement required Resume Writing Sample. There is no need to create a new piece of writing, and we would generally prefer not to receive an example of scientific writing. If you have any other sample of English writing--a history paper, an essay, a poem--of short length, that should be more than adequate.
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:7
- 托福网考总分:77
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:NA
The M.S. program consists of 30 credit hours of coursework. In favorable circumstances, it is possible that the program might be completed over a single academic year though most applicants require more time in the program. As the academic backgrounds and personalprofessional goals of each student will differ, we anticipate significant diversity in the programs of study in the M.S. degree and therefore do not prescribe a rigid set of courses as prerequisites or requirements though we would ordinarily anticipate that the majority of the credits are taken in chemistry and related subjects at suitably high levels. Your program of study will be adapted to your individual interests and needs in consultation with the M.S. Graduate Program Director, and will likely include coursework selected from across Cornell’s campus.<br><br>The M.S. program is designed for those who wish to obtain further education in the field of chemical sciences broadly understood, and to develop their ability for critical inquiry, independent research, and teaching. Research-degree students are expected to give evidence of mature purpose by initiating and pursuing their own programs; as such the award of the MS degree is contingent upon the completion of a master’s research project documented through the preparation of an archive document presented to the student’s special committee and to the Graduate School. In the fall of the first year, it is expected that each student will be enrolled in Chem 5110, which provides an introduction to the vast world of tools and opportunities for chemical research, found in both our department and across the campus.
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常青藤联盟中的“学术高压锅”是不是很吓人?其实,这个称号更多是源自大部分学子所表现出的“我要更出色”的学术态度。与其它常青藤盟校大而全的发展策略不同,其一直致力于做“最好的本科教育”。其下属7所学院,4所私立,3所公立。其中康奈尔大学(Cornell University)建筑学院与酒店管理学院提供了全美最好的相关专业。早在Erza Cornell 1860年创立康奈尔大学(Cornell University)时,“一所让所有人可以学习任何专业的大学”即成为了以后200年这所高等学府所遵循的教育理念。学校的招生政策不考虑学生支付能力,并且保证迎合每一名录取学生的经济需要。 学校给学生提供超过4000类的课程,想要出国的学生可以选择超过200多个交换项目。康奈尔大学的种植园是一片超过3000亩的树林,自然山径,溪流和峡谷,提供了散步,野餐或者冥想的空间。康奈尔大学有常青藤大学所拥有的严谨学术,州立大学所具备的大规模和多样性,这所学校愿意偏离传统的常青藤模式,敢于创新的学生在这里将会得心应手舒适如归。