Master of Science in Geology and Environmental Science
Personal Statement: A brief statement of purpose (typically 1-2 pages) that addresses your specific interests and professional goals in Geology & Environmental Science. Describe your scientific interests, qualifications, and previous research experience. Also describe as specifically as possible the area of research you wish to pursue, and potential faculty advisors. This statement carries significant weight in admissions decisions.
Required Writing Sample: 5-10 pages of your own writing, not from a group effort.
Official transcripts for all college-level institutions attended (undergraduate and graduate study). All transcripts must be uploaded onto the application website. Include translations if applicable. Copies of transcripts are acceptable initially, but official transcripts are required upon admission. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is required for admission.
Three letters of recommendation.
The minimum TOEFL score of 90 (with at least a score of 22 in all of the four sections of speaking, listening, reading and writing) or the required minimum IELTS of 7.0 with at least 6.5 in each of its four sections.
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:7
- 托福网考总分:90
- 托福笔试总分:550
- 其他语言考试:NA
The Department of Geology & Environmental Science is internationally recognized for excellence in research and education. Graduate study resulting in both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees is available through the Department, as well as a professional M.S. degree in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) & Remote Sensing (RS). Students in all graduate programs learn through coursework, research and teaching as they pursue their degree.Students admitted to the graduate program take a suite of six courses in their first two years in residence. The preliminary examination in the Department of Geology & Environmental Science is based on the student's record of performance in these courses. Students will be considered to pass the preliminary exam when they have achieved a grade of B or better in each of the courses. The student must take GEOL 2001 and GEOL 2468, in addition to three core courses from the list below, which are relevant to their research. In addition, students should take at least one course from a subfield markedly outside their research area. This course must be approved by the graduate committee.
展开 相关申请
匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)成立于1787年,是美国宾夕法尼亚州享誉国际、历史悠久之综合性的公立大学。学校位于宾夕法尼亚州的传统钢铁城市匹兹堡。早在 1787年匹兹堡大学的创校人,美国宾夕法尼亚州最高法院大法官,同时也是美国著名作家的休‧亨利‧布瑞肯里奇(Hugh Henry Brackenridge)先生预言匹兹堡优越的地理位置和丰富的自然资源,必将使得它成为美国未来重要的中心城市,因此必须及早建立高等教育的根基。在他的努力下, 成立了匹兹堡大学的前身---匹兹堡研究院(Pittsburgh Academy),并由他担任首任校长。匹兹堡大学是美国最古老的高等学府之一。到了19世纪,匹兹堡成为美国工业革命的中心,匹大也因此得到很大的发展,培养了一大批工业革命时代的发明者和创新者。2008年匹大图书馆藏书量达560万册,是美国最大的大学图书馆之一。而且在Schenley Park公园坐落有匹兹堡大学的天文台(Allegheny Observatory)。毗邻校园的还有卡内基自然历史博物馆。匹兹堡大学位于匹兹堡市区东部的奥克兰(Oakland)地区,与同城的卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)一街之隔。匹兹堡都会区人口约240多万,是美国第21大都会区,传统上是美国钢铁工业的中心城市,然而这里早已摆脱了工业污染的旧名,成为以医疗、休闲、人文艺术为主的城市;经济上现已转型为以生物技术、计算机技术、机器人制造、医疗健康、金融而闻名的繁荣的工商业城市,成为美国城市经济转型的典范。匹兹堡是全美治安最好的城市之一,同时也多次被评为全美最适宜居住的城市,兼具悠久的历史记忆与现代化的都市景象,向东可至大纽约区,向北可通达五大湖区,可以说是美国东海岸连接中西部的重要地点。匹兹堡是美国钢铁公司、PNC金融服务集团等8家世界五百强企业的全球总部,全美排名第8,德国拜尔的美国总部也设于此。匹兹堡文化艺术非常丰富,毗邻匹兹堡大学校园的就是钢铁大王卡内基捐建的卡内基历史自然博物馆。美国著名的现代派艺术家安迪-沃霍尔Andy Warhol的安迪-沃霍尔美术馆是全美最大的个人作品美术馆。匹兹堡交响乐团是美国几个传统交响乐团之一。匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh )是美国宾夕法尼亚州享誉国际、历史悠久之综合性的公立大学。