This course requires successful completion of 320 credit points which includes eight core subjects, nineteen key program subjects taken in an engineering specialisation (Civil, Electrical and Mechanical), four alternate subjects, and one elective subject at level 2 above, which can be chosen from any discipline available at Sydney City Campus.<br>The future presents significant challenges for managing the environment, infrastructure and technological developments. Effective solutions to these challenges will require innovative engineering, applied science and design strategies. At Sydney City Campus, we will prepare you to take on those challenges and succeed. The Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) degree covers major engineering domains, including civil, electrical and mechanical. You will get the opportunity to experience many facets of engineering before deciding on the area of specialisation at the end of first year.<br>At Sydney City Campus, you can complete your four-year bachelor’s degree in three years and enter the workforce sooner. This bachelor’s degree consists of 32 subjects. With our flexible academic calendar, you can study 12 subjects in one year over three trimesters. However, we recommend that you undertake a maximum of 3 subjects per trimester so that your study load is not too demanding. You will have less downtime between trimesters so a lighter study load will help you to have a better chance at passing all of your subjects.<br>The mechanical engineering program covers the design of mechanical systems for a wide range of applications, including manufacturing, transportation and energy conversion. The course delivers fundamental engineering principles, as well as an intensive hands-on laboratory program to provide the skills necessary for the design of machines, ensuring their functionality, safety and reliability.