Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering
  • 学历文凭

    Bachelor Degree

  • 专业院系


  • 开学时间

  • 课程时长

  • 课程学费



Students may gain admission to the first year of the program in several ways including:

High School Admission Requirements:
Grade 12 (or equivalent)
English Studies 12/English First Peoples 12 with a minimum of 73% (or equivalent)
Pre-calculus 12 with a minimum of 67% (or equivalent)
Chemistry 11 with a minimum of 67% (or equivalent)
*Physics 11 with a minimum of 67% (or equivalent)
*It is preferable to have Physics 12 or equivalent completed with 67% minimum (or equivalent).

Admission after partial completion of first year engineering studies:

Students who have completed parts of a first year engineering program at a recognized university will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis and requires approval of the TRU Engineering Undergraduate Admission Committee. It may require an upgrade or completion of pre-requisite courses.

Admission after a year of post-secondary studies in science or related studies:
Overall GPA of 3.00 (B) or better
Grades of B (or better) in completed 1000 level Mathematics courses
Grades of B (or better) in completed 1000 level Physics courses
Grades of B (or better) in completed 1000 level Chemistry courses
Grades of C+ (or better) in completed 1000 level English courses
Such interested individuals will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis and will require the approval of the TRU Engineering Undergraduate Admission Committee. Students may be required to upgrade or complete pre-requisite courses for admission.
Students may gain admission to the second year of the software engineering program in several ways including:

Students may gain admission to second year of the software engineering program after completing first year of TRU equivalent engineering courses at a recognized university. Such interested individuals will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis and requires approval of the TRU Engineering Undergraduate Admission Committee. It may require an upgrade or completion of pre-requisite courses.

Students may gain admission to second year of the program after completing first year of TRU Science courses from cognate departments or at a recognized university. Such interested individuals will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis and require approval of the TRU Engineering Undergraduate Admission Committee. It may require an upgrade or completion of pre-requisite courses.
Students may gain admission to the third year of the software engineering program in several ways including:

Students may gain admission to third year of the software engineering program after completing the first TWO years of TRU equivalent engineering courses at a recognized university. Such interested individuals will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis and requires approval of the TRU Engineering Undergraduate Admission Committee. It may require an upgrade or completion of pre-requisite courses.

Students may gain admission to third year of the software engineering program after completing the first TWO years of TRU Science courses from the cognate departments or at a recognized university. Such interested individuals will be considered for admission on a case-by-case basis, and requires approval of the TRU Engineering Undergraduate Admission Committee. The committee may require an upgrade or completion of pre-requisite courses.
TOEFL - iBT - 88 plus with no section below 20
TOEFL - Paper-Based - 570plus TWE 4.5plus
TOEFL - Computer-Based - 230plus Essay 4.5plus

IELTS - 6.5plus with no bands below 6.0
DUOLINGO - 125plus





  • 雅思总分:6.5
  • 托福网考总分:88
  • 托福笔试总分:570
  • 其他语言考试:DUOLINGO - 125plus
申请截止日期: 与IDP顾问联系以获取详细信息。


The Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering provides strong foundations in principles and practice of software systems development, and related computing technologies. Project-based learning practices apply theoretical concepts to practical problems. The software engineering program prepares graduates to work in industry jobs related to software application development, software testing, software design, database management, network management and operations, security analysis and protection, and more.<br><br>Power up your future as a software engineer today. Through our program, you will learn to apply engineering principles to computer software. You will gain technical knowledge and skills in how to design, develop, maintain, test and evaluate software. As you move through the program, your courses will include areas such as engineering, business, computing science and project management. Software engineer grads do more than program. They bring creative solutions to manufacturing, transportation, health care, government and digital media. These sectors rely on computer tools and applications, which our grads manage.


  • 预科


  • 奖学金


  • 实习机会


  • 在校学习


  • 跨境学习


  • 校园授课-线上开始


  • 在线/远程学习



汤姆逊河大学提供优质教育,追求卓越,同时确保学生获得顺利完成学业所需要的支持。该校热情欢迎来自各种文化背景的学生到那里学习,营造了一个积极促进跨文化理解的环境。汤姆逊河大学开设有艺术、商业、计算机科学、教育、环境、法律、护理、科学、社会工作、旅游、贸易和技术等领域的140多种校内课程和60多种开放学习课程。该校拥有一个充满活力的学生群体,1.4万多名学生在校园中努力攻读研究生和本科学位、文凭、学徒制学位、专业证书、继续教育以及对外英语课程。此外,该校有来自超过106个国家和地区的4000多名国际学生。无论学生来自哪里,汤姆逊河大学都会竭尽所能支持学生追求自己所热爱的领域。学生可自由选择大学的众多课程,享受个性化支持,获得实际学习经验。学生由专业教师指导,在富有创造性和创新精神的灵活学习环境中学习. 体验惊艳的加拿大风光 坎卢普斯和威廉斯莱克校区位于不列颠哥伦比亚省内陆地区苏斯瓦族(Secwepemc)的传统领地。坎卢普斯的自然美景令人惊叹,拥有徒步步道、滑雪道、河流、野生生物以及丰富的历史遗迹。在不列颠哥伦比亚省中心地带,大约需要三个半小时可到达繁华喧嚣的温哥华,大约七个小时可到达卡尔加里的落基山脉。




