Because physics is fundamental to many engineering disciplines, this science can be a good foundation for a career in an engineering area. Offered through the College of Arts and Science, this major prepares students for employment in technical fields or entry into professional engineering programs at the undergraduate or graduate level.Miami's program in engineering physics combines a rigorous technical background with flexibility in course selection so you may emphasize your own special areas of interest. You will cover the basic aspects of classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum theory, and modern physics, plus elements of mathematical and computational physics. Advanced courses include mechanics, electrodynamics, optics and laser physics, thermal physics, materials physics, electronics,, and spectroscopy. <br><br>About 60 percent of our graduates go on to graduate school in engineering or other fields, or other professional schools. The engineering physics degree is a flexible one, and students can pursue, for example, a master's degree in electrical or biomedical engineering. Some of our students go on to business, law, or medical school.<br><br>For those of you pursuing another degree beyond the bachelor's, the engineering physics program is designed to allow you time to study your particular area of interest while completing the requirements for your B.S. degree in a minimum amount of time.<br><br>Many of our students compete successfully for assistantships and fellowships after graduating from Miami. Other graduates, whether they choose to enter the work force directly after school or to pursue additional degrees, get jobs in industry with scientists, mathematicians, and graduates of other scientific and technological fields.