Master of Jurisprudence in Tax Law
Hold the minimum equivalent of a four-year baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S. or its equivalent from a foreign institution. Also acceptable: hold a Master's degree, a doctoral degree (Ph.D., D.Phil.), or a professional degree (M.D., J.D., D.V.M., etc.) from a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S. or its equivalent from a foreign institution. Have earned at least a 3.0 grade-point-average (on a 4 point scale) from a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S. or its equivalent from a foreign institution for the last 90 graded quarter credits or 60 graded semester credits from a baccalaureate degree (for a Master's, doctoral, or professional degree, the total cumulative average may be used). TOEFL iBT: 80, IELTS: 6.5.
展开 IDP—雅思考试联合主办方
- 雅思总分:6.5
- 托福网考总分:80
- 托福笔试总分:160
- 其他语言考试:Duolingo- 105
The Master of Jurisprudence (M.J.) program is designed for non-lawyers who seek a deeper knowledge of law to respond to legal issues in their professional life. Students interested in careers with a law-related dimension will build a practical and marketable knowledge base of law, enhancing their qualifications in many different professional arenas. With only four requirementsthree required courses, along with a major research and writing project'students are able to personalize their studies. Our M.J. program faculty and staff work with each student to create a customized plan of study. Youll also be able to reach outside the law school to find relevant courses in other schools. For those working while in the M.J. program, the part-time option and morning or late afternoon courses allow students to balance career, study and involvement in the law school community. Students can participate in experiential learning, taking advantage of the region's many cutting-edge businesses or non-profits to complete an externship.<br><br>Students seeking taxation education in the MJ Tax Law program have the opportunity to draw on the resources of UW Law's abundant and diverse tax law offerings. Studying, working and discussing issues together in the same courses, MJ students and lawyers studying in the Tax LLM improve not only their personal mastery of taxation but contribute to each other's education. Students help one another by sharing their perspectives from their respective professions, practices and nations. Graduates of the MJ program leave with a tax-focused professional network of lawyers, accountants and other advisors not only in Seattle, but around the globe.
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