伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham),始建于1825年,是位于英国第二大城市伯明翰的世界百强名校,英国顶尖学府。于1900年获得维多利亚女王授予的皇家特许状,是英国第一所“红砖大学”。同时也是英国常春藤联盟“罗素大学集团”核心成员,M5大学联盟成员,国际大学组织“Universitas 21”创始成员。
伯明翰大学数学系开设三个相关数学硕士课程,分别是MSc Financial Engineering, Applied Mathematics Masters/MSc 和MSc Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics (MORSE)。
关于Financial Engineering
Financial Engineering是多学科交叉项目,学习包括计算机工程,软件工程和编程技能,并且将这些技能运用到金融领域,因此这个项目适合未来想要从事金融和经济领域的定量分析相关职业的申请者,申请要求为数学及其相关本科专业背景,雅思6分以上,单项不低于5.5,本科平均GPA达到85%以上,最好有相关工作经验。
关于Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics则主要研究mathematical biology, fluid mechanics, mathematical finance和industrial modelling的相关知识。该项目帮助挖掘出你的数学和计算建模技能,将来主要从事研究工作。申请要求为数学,物理或者工程相关专业背景,雅思6分以上,单项不低于5.5,本科平均GPA达到85%以上。
关于Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Econometrics
这个项目兼具技术性和实用性。官网写到The programme produces highly qualified students in statistics, operations research and econometrics with applications to economics and business management. The programme provides ideal preparation for a career in economics, health care, finance, banking, insurance, actuarial science, business management, governmental or academic institutions.也就是学习数学优化技术,运筹学方法,编程和统计学并将这些知识运用到经济,金融,医学,工业管理和自然科学等行业。该专业申请要求学生的数学知识扎实,雅思6分以上,单项不低于5.5,本科平均GPA达到85%以上。
伦敦大学学院 (University College London),简称UCL,建校于1826年,位于英国伦敦,是一所世界著名顶尖高等学府,世界20强名校,为享有顶级声誉的综合研究型大学。
UCL的数学系下面的开设有Financial Mathematics MSc和Mathematical Modelling MSc两个项目。
学校强调The programme requires a significant mathematical background, including material at an advanced level in probability and real analysis, and preferably experience in both ordinary and partial differential equations as well as in statistics.因此对于Degrees such as economics, finance, accounting, commerce, banking, business, and management are less likely to be suitable,这些专业背景就不太适合申请金融数学项目了。本项目主修课程有:
compulsory modules
.Statistical Methods and Data Analytics for Finance
. Finance and Numerics
. Market Risk and Portfolio Theory
. Asset Pricing in Continuous Time
. Financial Mathematics Project
Optional modules
Four modules must be chosen from the following list.
. Interest Rates and Credit Modelling
. Topics in Financial and Insurance Mathematics
. Stochastic Processes
. Mathematics and Statistics of Algorithmic Trading
. Applied Computational Finance
. Quantitative Modelling of Operational Risk and Insurance Analytics
. Forecasting
学校表示While a strong background in mathematics will be important, applications from students whose qualifications are in physics or other areas will also be welcomed and considered on individual merit.就是说即使是非数学专业的本科生,是要有比较好的数理背景,都是可以申请的。该项目主要课程包括5个必修课程,三门选修和一个研究项目论文,具体课程如下。雅思要求为总分6.5,单项不低于6.0。
compulsory modules
.Advanced Modelling Mathematical Techniques
. Nonlinear Systems
Operational Research
.Computational and Simulation Methods
. Frontiers in Mathematical Modelling and its Applications
Optional modules
. Asymptotic Methods & Boundary Layer Theory
. Cosmology
. Evolutionary Games and Population Genetics
. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
. Mathematical Ecology
.Quantitative and Computational Finance
. Wave and Wave Scattering