2014年2月份发生的托福停考事件在留学界引起了不小的轰动,也为准备托福考试的学生带来了很大的影响。这件事具体说来,是在2014年的2月10日,英国广播公司《广角镜》(BBC Panorama)栏目揭露了长期存在的ETS,即美国教育考试服务中心(Educational Testing Service)考试作弊问题。这个节目里展示了英国学生签证系统的造假问题。根据节目调查,在英国许多地区存在机构“替考”等行为,帮助学生通过ETS的语言考试,有的甚至会在考试的时候直接广播答案,以期在帮助学生获得留英签证的同时谋取高收益。由于该节目引起的轰动效果,英国政府当即决定暂停ETS的全部考试,包括托福(TOEFL)、美国研究生入学考试(GRE)、管理学研究生入学考试(GMAT)等项目。而许多之前接受ETS设置的语言考试的成绩的学校也开始拒绝接受学生提供的托福成绩。
在该丑闻发生后的当天,英国内政大臣Theresa May对媒体表明了英国政府的态度,如下:
- ‘This type of abuse is not acceptable and we will continue to clamp down. We have taken action and suspended the two colleges identified in the programme. “这种丑闻是不可接受的,我们将继续施压。目前,我们已采取行动,中止了两所涉及此事的院校。
- ‘Applications made by students in the UK using the English Testing Service or associated with the colleges or immigration advisers mentioned in the programme have been put on hold pending the outcome of those investigations.在英国使用ETS机构名下考试成绩进行申请的学生,或者与涉及此事的院校或移民顾问机构有关联的学生的申请将被搁置,直到调查结果出来。
- ‘All further English language tests done through ETS in the UK have been suspended.’ ETS所有在英国的语言考试项目都将被暂停。”
除了英政府的表态外,部分英国大学也开始采取相应的措施。比如萨塞克斯大学(Sussex University)就表示只看雅思成绩而不接受学生提供的托福成绩;考文垂大学(Conventry University)也表示不接受ETS机构名下的语言成绩,即使获得录取通知的学生也需要再另外参加雅思考试或培生考试。
The U.K. Home Office has directed ETS to suspend TOEIC® and TOEFL® testing at this time in the U.K. for those already in the U.K. who plan to use their scores as part of their visa application. At this time, individuals already in the U.K. who are planning to apply for a visa may not use a TOEIC or TOEFL test to provide evidence of English proficiency for their application.
For individuals who are both applying for a visa and testing outside the U.K. there is no change. The Home Office has confirmed that TOEFL and TOEIC tests taken outside the U.K. may continue to be used when applying for a visa at an overseas office and the application will be reviewed by immigration officials as before.
Candidates in the U.K. who have appointments to take either test for immigration purposes will be contacted by ETS to process a refund. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.