• 免费咨询留学:400-697-9728
  • 服务监督热线:400-821-8688
  • 选择学位阶段
  • 高中
  • 预科
  • 语言课程
  • 职业教育
  • 研究生
  • 大学本科
  • 博士




  专业1:Global Media Industries MA 全球传媒产业硕士





  特殊要求:PS字数不得多于500字。需要提供2000字的writing sample








  学费:£24,500 per year (2023/21)


  Required Modules:

  • Global Media Industries: Perspectives & Approaches (20 credits)

  • Media Industry Innovations: Collaborative Project (20 credits)

  • London Media Industries (20 credits)

  • Global Media Industries: Final Project (60 credits)

  Optional Modules:

  Children, Media Industries & Culture (20 credits)

  • Cultural & Creative Industries in China (20 credits)

  • Cultural Markets (20 credits)

  • Cultural Policy (20 credits)

  • Digital Media Production Cultures (20 credits)

  • Entertainment Industries (20 credits)

  • Fashion, Culture & Society (20 credits)

  • Festivals: Arts, Public Spaces & Communities (20 credit)

  • Film & American Culture (20 credits)

  • Future Memory: Creating Connected Worlds (20 credits)

  • Gender, Media & Culture (20 credits)

  • Media on the Move: Products & Power (20 credits)

  • Music & American Culture (20 credits)

  • Transnational Screen Production (20 credits)

  • Visual Culture (20 credits)

  建议申请分数:211/985:80分 双非: 88-90分

  专业2:Digital Asset & Media Management MA


  雅思要求:7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in reading & writing and 6.0 in listening & speaking







  Required Modules

  You are required to take:

  Introduction to Digital Asset & Media Management (40 credits)

  Dissertation (60 credits)

  Optional Modules

  In addition, you are required to take four modules (totalling 80 credits) from a list of optional modules that may typically include:

  · Web Technologies (20 credits)

  · Digital Publishing (20 credits)

  · Communication & Consumption of Cultural Heritage (20 credits)

  · Digital Media, Digital Marketing (20 credits)

  · From Information to Knowledge (20 credits)

  · Digital Asset & Media Management in the Broadcast Media (20 credits)

  · Introduction to Data Journalism (20 credits)

  · Management for Digital Content Industries (20 credits)

  · Digital Asset & Media Technologies in Practice (20 credits)

  · Internship: Digital Asset & Media Management in the Workplace (20 credits)

  · Maps, Apps & the GeoWeb (20 credits)

  · Data Journalism (20 credits)

  · Network Literacy (20 credits)

  · Digital Publishing (20 credits)

  · Open Culture (20 credits)

  · From Information to Knowledge – Metadata & Systems for Digital Assets & Media (20 credits)

  · Management for Digital Content Industries (20 credits)

  · Digital Media, Digital Marketing (20 credits)

  · Curating & Preserving Digital Culture (20 credits)

  · Crowds & Clouds – Digital Ecosystems (20 credits)

  · Up to 20 credits from other master’s modules offered in the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, subject to approvals

  专业3:Cultural & Creative Industries MA



  特殊要求:PS字数不得多于500字。需要提供2000字的writing sample












  Required Modules

  You are required to take

  · Analysing the Cultural & Creative Industries (40 credits)

  · Research Approaches (20 credits)

  Choose one of the following:

  Dissertation (MA Cultural & Creative Industries) (60 credits)

  or Arts-Based Research Project (60 credits)

  Optional Modules

  In addition, you are required to take 60 modules from a range of optional modules, which may typically include:

  · The Aesthetic Economy (20 credits)

  · The Art Museum: Past, Present, Future (selective entry) (20 credits)

  · Children, Media Industries & Culture (20 credits)

  · Collecting Cultures (20 credits)

  · Contextualising Creativity (20 credits)

  · Cultural Management in Small Arts & Cultural Organisations (20 credits)

  · Cultural Markets (20 credits)

  · Cultural Memory (20 credits)

  · Cultural Policy (20 credits)

  · Culture: Conflict, Diplomacy & International Relations (20 credits)

  · Digital Media Production Cultures (20 credits)

  · Entertainment Industries (20 credits)

  · Entrepreneurial Opportunity: Arts & Culture (selective entry) ( 20 credits)

  · Exhibitions, Identities and Politics (20 credits)

  · Fashion, Culture & Society (20 credits)

  · Festivals: Arts, Public Spaces & Communities (20 credits)

  · Future Memory: Creating Connected Worlds (20 credits)

  · Gaming Industries and Cultures (20 credits)

  · Gender, Media & Culture (20 credits)

  · Gender and Sexualities in East Asian Popular Culture (20 credits)

  · Immersive Media and Extended Realities (20 credits)

  · International Heritage & Cultural Tourism (20 credits)

  · Media on the Move: Products & Power (20 credits)

  · Museum Curating Now (selective entry) (20 credits)

  · Music & American Culture (20 credits)

  · The Politics of Global Art (selective entry) (20 credits)

  · Readings of the Music Business (20 credits)


  专业4:Digital Culture & Society MA


  雅思要求:7.0 overall with a minimum of 6.5 in reading & writing and 6.0 in listening & speaking



  学费:£26,550 per year (2023/21)

  课程设置:Required Modules

  · Introduction to Digital Culture & Society (40 credits)

  · Dissertation (60 credits)

  · Optional Modules

  · In addition, you are required to take 80 credits from a range of optional modules, which may typically include:

  · AI & Society (20 credits)

  · Crowds & Clouds – Digital Ecosystems (20 credits)

  · Curating & Preserving Digital Culture

  · Dark Web, Dark Nets and Transgressive Cultures (20 credits)

  · Data Journalism (20 credits)

  · Digital Asset & Media Management in the Broadcast Media (20 credits)

  · Digital Entrepreneurship (20 credits)

  · Digital Media, Digital Marketing (20 credits)

  · Digital Methods for Internet Studies (20 credits)

  · Digital Publishing (20 credits)

  · Digital Asset & Media Technologies in Practice (20 credits)

  · iData: The Policis of Personal Data Economies

  · Introduction to Quantiative Methods (20 credits)

  · Internship: Digital Culture & Society in the Workplace (20 credits)

  · Management for Digital Content Industries (20 credits)

  · Maps, Apps & the GeoWeb: Introduction to the Spatial Humanities (20 credits)

  · Metadata Theory & Practice (20 credits)

  · Open Cultures (20 credits)

  · Social Media, Marketing and Platforms (20 credits)

  · User-Centred Research and Design (20 credits)

  · Web Technologies (20 credits)

  · Digital Media Production Cultures (20 credits)

  · Transnational Screen Production (20 credits)

  · The Aesthetic Economy & Aesthetic Markets (20 credits)

  · Visual Culture (20 credits)

  · Cultural Memory (20 credits)

  · Fashion Culture & Society (20 credits)

  · Culture & the City (20 credits)

  · Art and Globalisation (20 credits)

  · Gender, Media and Culture (20 credits)

  · Creatives: Working in the Cultural Industries (20 credits)

  · International Heritage – Politics, Policy & Practice (20 credits)

  · Digital Culture & Political Protest (20 credits)

  · Cultural Policy (20 credits)

  · Culture: Conflict, Diplomacy & International Relations (20 credits)

  · Film & American Culture (20 credits)

  · Media Culture & Ethnicity (20 credits)

  · Up to 20 credits from other master’s modules that the Faculty of Arts & Humanities offers, subject to approvals

  专业4:Arts & Cultural Management MA


  虽然文学硕士课程不包括实习,但我们有一名敬业的学术人员,通过分享我们的文化合作伙伴或伦敦其他组织提供的竞争性实习机会的信息,帮助有兴趣获得实践经验的学生。与该方案同时,系内的前学生成功地独立获得了在各种艺术和文化机构的实习机会,这些机构包括国家剧院、巴比肯中心、英国文化协会、英国电影学院、海沃德画廊、国家肖像画廊、银幕文摘、大英博物馆,加拿大国际开发署(文化产业发展署)、MTV、Donmar Warehouse、谷歌和V&A博物馆,为您提供令人兴奋的机会。


  特殊要求:PS字数不得多于500字。需要提供2000字的writing sample










  学费:£24,500 per year (2023/21)


  Required Modules

  You are required to take:

  · Arts & Management (20 credits)

  · Cultural Management: The Experience (20 credits)

  · Research Approaches (20 credits)

  You are also required to take one of the following:

  Required Modules

  You are required to take:

  · Arts & Management (20 credits)

  · Cultural Management: The Experience (20 credits)

  · Research Approaches (20 credits)

  You are also required to take one of the following:

  · Visual Culture (20 credits)

  · Contextualising Creativity (20 credits)

  · Creatives: Working in the Cultural Industries (20 credits)

  · Culture and the City (20 credits)

  · Cultural Markets (20 credits)

  · The Aesthetic Economy and Aesthetic Markets (20 credits)

  · Readings of the Music Business (20 credits)

  · International Heritage (20 credits)

  · The Politics of Global Art (20 credits)

  · Entertainment Industries (20 credits)

  · Children, Media Industries and Culture (20 credits)

  · Media on the Move: Products and Power (20 credits

  · Future Memory: Creating Connected Worlds (20 credits)


2021KCL传媒硕士PS要求 伦敦国王学院 英国留学申请条件