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  • 博士





  University of St. Andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学


  MLittin Marketing

  IELTS:IELTS 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each paper


  University of Durham 杜伦大学



  IELTS:7.0 or above in IELTS with no element below 6.0

  录取要求:the equivalent of a UK first or upper second class honoursdegree(没有背景要求)

  University of Exeter 埃克塞特大学


  MSc Marketing

  IELTS:Overallscore 7.0. No section less than 6.0


  A good honours degree from a recognised university. We do consider all applications where thereis evidence of exceptional performance in modules relevant to the programme of study, significant relevant work experience orprofessional qualifications.


  MSc Marketing and Financial Services

  IELTS:Overall score 6.5. No less than 6.0 in any section

  录取要求:A good honours degree in a related discipline from a recognised university. The majority of our candidates will beexpecting a First or 2:1 degree, however, we do consider all applications wherethere is evidence of exceptional performance in modules relevant to the programme of study, significant relevant work experience orprofessional qualifications such as CFA, ACCA, ICAEW, ICAS and CIMA.


  University of Warwick 华威大学


  nMSc Marketing & Strategy

  IELTS:7.0- all four languages elements have to be scored 6.0+, with maximum of twolanguage components at lowest level 6.0


  Academic qualifications

  You must have, or be expecting to obtain, a good undergraduate degree from a UKuniversity, or overseas equivalent.

  Your degree will need to be in a business-relatedsubject. You should have studied a substantial amount of marketing and/orstrategy in your degree, or have relevant work experience.


  We do not require a GMAT or GRE score but a well-balanced score (700+) maystrengthen your application.


  University of Bath 巴斯大学


  MSc in Marketing

  IELTS: 7.0 overall and no less than 6.5 for any of the four parts (listening,reading, writing, speaking)


  You should hold a good degree (2:1 or above or itsinternational equivalent) with significant business/ management contentincluding marketing. Alternatively you may apply if you have marketing workexperience and a degree in business or management.



  IELTS:7.0 overall and no less than 6.5 in any of the four parts (listening, reading,writing, speaking)


  ①Candidatesfor this programme should have a good first degree (2:1 or above oroverseas equivalent) in any discipline except business

  ②Itis not necessary to have any work experience or any prior knowledge of businessdisciplines.

  ③Thisprogramme is open to graduates who currently have little or nobusiness experience.

  University of Lancaster 兰卡斯特大学


  ManagementScience and Marketing Analytics MSc

  IELTS:7.0,with at least 6.0 in each element


  a first or good second class honoursdegree in a quantitative subject. Students with first degrees in mathematics,statistics, physics, engineering and management science are regularly admitted,and applicants from other disciplines who can show evidence of quantitativeproblem solving skills are encouraged to apply.

  nAdvanced Marketing Management MSc

  IELTS:7.0,with at least 6.0 in each element


  ①Itis not a programme to introduce students to the subject; rather it aims toallow participants to enrich and to build on their existing knowledge as a basefor a career in marketing management, or for further study at PhD level.

  ②Applicants are expected to hold a good degree in Marketing or in a related business subject with a significant marketing component. Applicants with good degrees inother subjects with significant practical experience in marketing may also beconsidered where they are able to demonstrate a post-graduation intellectual interest and training/education in marketing. By good degree, we are lookingfor an Upper Second Class honours, or 3.2 GPA on a 4-point scale or an average of B+.


  University of Surrey 萨里大学


  nMSc Marketing Management

  nMSc International Marketing Management

  以上专业IELTS要求: overall: 6.5,component:6.0


  Applicants should normally hold a Bachelors degree (agood UK 2.2) or an equivalent qualification from a recognised British or overseas university.

  If an applicant’s Bachelors degree is not in a subjectrelated to the MSc, some relevant work experience would be an advantage.Higher level professional qualifications may also be accepted. Each applicantis assessed on their own merit.


  Loughborough University 拉夫堡大学


  nMScMarketing and Management

  IELTS:overall 6.5 with minimum 6.0 in each component


  ①Lower second class (2:2) honours degree or higher in a non-business field from a UK university or equivalent overseas qualification recognised by Loughborough University.

  ②The programme is not intended for those with a business degree. (要求非商科背景学生)


  University of East Anglia 东安格利亚大学


  nMSc Marketing(Norwich校区)

  IELTS:6.5 (minimum 6.0 in all components)


  ①Degree Subject: Any subject except Business (unless studied in a non-UK context)

  ②Degree Classification: Good 2.2 or equivalent

  ③Applicants should normally have a good first degree from a recognised higher education institution in the UK or overseas indisciplines other than business or management. Applicants from overseas may hold a non-UKdegree in any discipline.

  nMSc Marketing and Management

  IELTS:6.5 (minimum 6.0 in all components)


  ①Degree Subject: All subjects excluding Business (unless studied in a non-UKcontext)

  ②Degree Classification: Good 2.2 or equivalent

  ③Applicants should normally have a good first degree from a recognised higher education institution in the UK or overseas indisciplines other than business or management.

  ④Applicants from overseas may hold a non-UK degree in anydiscipline.

  University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学


  nMSc Marketing

  IELTS:7.0 (no less than 6.5 in any band)


  At least an upper second-class degree or postgraduatediploma from a UK university or equivalent.


  nMSc International Marketing

  IELTS:7.0 (no less than 6.5 in any band)

  录取要求:At least an upper second-class degree or postgraduatediploma from a UK university or equivalent.


  MSc Strategic Marketing and Consulting

  IELTS:7.0 (no less than 6.5 in any band)


  The degree must be in marketing, or a degree with atleast two marketing modules. If not, at least two years full-time marketing work experience is required.

  nMSc Marketing Communications

  IELTS:7.0 (no less than 6.5 in any band)


  The degree must be in marketing, or a degree with at least two marketing modules. If not, at least two years full-time marketing work experience is required.


  University of Aston 阿斯顿大学


  MSc Business and Marketing Analytics

  IELTS: 6.5overall, with a minimum score of 6.5 in writing and speaking and 6.0 in listening and reading


  Candidates must have strong quantitative skills.Candidates must also hold one of the following:

  A good UK honoursdegree

  An equivalent overseas degree recognised by Aston University

  MSc Strategic Marketing Management

  IELTS: 6.5overall, with a minimum score of 6.5 in writing and speaking and 6.0 in listening and reading


  A good UK honoursdegree (minimum lower second class)

  Equivalent overseas degree recognised by Aston University.


  University of Southampton 南安普敦大学


  nMScMarketing Management


  nMScMarketing Analytics


  以上专业IELTS:6.5 overall with 6.5 in reading and writing, 6.0 inlistening and speaking

  University of Leicester 莱斯特大学





  A good UK honoursdegree or its equivalent or an acceptable professional qualification; or possession of the University of Leicester’s Professional Diploma in Management (or its predecessor, the Diploma in Management).


  Newcastle University 纽卡斯尔大学


  nMSc International Marketing

  IELTS:6.5(with a minimum of 6.0 in all sub-sections)

  录取要求: A 2:1 honours degree, or international equivalent, is preferred.


  nCross-Cultural Communication and International Marketing MA

  IELTS:6.5(with at least 6.5 in writing)

  录取要求:A 2:1 honours degree, or international equivalent, in a subjectbroadly related to business, social sciences (eglanguages, law or sociology) or humanities.无专业背景要求.语言.法律.社会学.人文.商科更佳。

  nE-Business (E-Marketing) MSc

  IELTS:6.5(with a minimum of 6.0 in all sub-sections)


  Normally a 2:1 honoursdegree, or international equivalent, in any discipline. We will also consideryour application if you have narrowly lower or non-standard qualifications and a first degree related to business (egmanagement, international business, marketing, operations or entrepreneurship)or relevant work experience in a business or technological role.


  The University of Sheffield 谢菲尔德大学


  nMSc Marketing Management Practice

  IELTS:OverallIELTS 7.0 with 6.0 in each component, or equivalent.


  Minimum 2:1 or an approved professional qualification.


  University of 爱丁堡大学


  MSc Marketing

  IELTS:total 7.0 (at least6.0 in each module)


  A good honours degree or equivalent with an excellent or very goodclassification from a good university in business and management-relatedsubjects.

  Candidates with avery good Honours degree in other disciplinary areas will be considered forentry into the programme provided that they have studied a degree with some marketingcontent.

  Applications frommature students with significant marketing management experience or acceptableprofessional qualifications will be considered on an individual basis.

  Marketing &Business Analysis MSc

  IELTS:total 7.0 (at least6.0 in each module)


  A good honours degree orequivalent with an excellent or very good classification from a good universityin business and management-related subjects. Students with a degree in anumerate or quantitative subject will be considered for entry to the programme on an individualbasis.

  Applications frommature students with significant marketing management experience or acceptableprofessional qualifications will be considered on an individual basis.


  University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学


  MSc Marketing

  IELTS:6.5(no less than 6.0 in any element)


  2.1(Upper 2nd class honsdegree or international equivalent)

  ①Including:Anydiscipline, including business and management.

  ②Thiscourse is not suitable for students who have previously studied a significantamount of marketing.

  University of Sussex 苏塞克斯大学


  nMSc International Marketing

  IELTS:6.5, with not less than 6.0 in each section.


  Bachelor degreefrom a leading university with overall mark of 75%-85% depending on youruniversity.


  University of Cardiff 卡迪夫大学


  nStrategicMarketing (MSc)

  IELTS: 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each category


  The course is suitable for graduates in businessadministration, management, marketing or other areas of the humanities andsocial science and preferably having basic familiarity with quantitativeanalysis and 2 years or more working experience in marketing related posts.


  The University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学



  IELTS:7.0overall with speaking and writing 6.5 and no other element below 6.0


  4 year Bachelor degree with a minimum average of between82-90% from a well ranked institution. Requirements vary dependent on theinstitution of study and the courses applied to.


  King’s College London 伦敦大学国王学院


  MSc International Marketing

  IELTS:7.0 overall; minimum 7.0 in all four skills


  1st Class or good 2:1 class undergraduate degree(65 per cent or above in the UK marking system) required in a social sciencerelated area (e.g. management, economics, psychology, history, sociology, lawor other appropriate social science subject) or an equivalent overseasqualification.

  Please note a science/engineering degree may be considered where social scienceskills have been an important component of the degree or a candidate hassignificant marketing practice experience.

  University of Kent 肯特大学


  Marketing - MSc

  IELTS:7.0 (with a minimum of 6.5 in Reading and Writingand 6.0 in Speaking and Listening)


  A good first degree (2.1 or equivalent) or an equivalentprofessional qualification.

  Candidates with relevant professional experience mayalso be considered.

  Financial Markets - MSc

  IELTS:6.5 IELTS (with a minimum of 6.0 in each component)


  A good first degree (2.1 or equivalent) in a relevantsubject, such as finance, accounting, economics, mathematics, engineering orany mathematically based natural science discipline. Applications from studentswith a business studies background are also welcome.

  University of Reading 雷丁大学


  nMSc Marketing and International Management

  IELTS:7.0 (with no element below 6.0)


  A good first or second class UK honoursdegree, or overseas equivalent, will usually be required. Applicants withrelevant experience or professional qualifications will also be considered.

  Prior knowledgeor experience of your chosen subject area is not required. We welcomeapplications from recent university graduates from a wide range of disciplines.


  University of Liverpool 利物浦大学



  IELTS:6.5 (with a minimum of 6.0 in each component)


  ①Normallya university degree in Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities and other relevantdisciplines with a minimum of 2:1standard from a UK university, or an equivalent academic qualification from a similar non-UK institution is required.

  ②Non-graduateswith very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualificationsmay also be considered.

  ③AGMAT score is not a mandatory requirement, however, we do encourage candidateswho have undertaken the examination to submit their scores for considerationalongside other criteria during the admissions process.

  Queen Mary, University of London 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院


  nMSc Marketing

  IELTS7.0 (with 6.0 in writing)


  A good uppersecond class honours degree or equivalent in any subject.

  Some basic quantitative skills and some elementary priorknowledge of accounting would be an advantage.


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