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2023年帝国理工学院这8个CS计算机科学硕士专业 该怎么选?



  MSc Computer Science(计算机科学)

  This course provides a year of intensive training in computer science, andis suitable for graduates of disciplines other than computing who are preparing for a career in the computer industry. We welcome students from all over the world and consider all applicants on an individual basis. 要求非计算机的学生申请哦!适合希望习得核心计算技能或加深他们现有的计算知识的非计算机学科毕业生。


  · AI Programming Test (Spring)

  · C++ Programming Test (Spring)

  · Computer Architecture (Autumn)

  · Integrated Programming Laboratory (Autumn and Spring)

  · Introduction to C++ Programming (Autumn)

  · Logic and AI Programming (Autumn)

  · MSc Computing Science Individual Project (Summer)

  · Object Oriented Design and Programming (Autumn)

  · Operating Systems (Autumn)

  · Software Engineering Practice and Group project (Spring and Summer)

  Optional Module:

  给予了学生相当丰富的选择,从偏向工程开发的 Computer Network and Distributed System与 Software Engineering,到与人工智能紧密结合的 Logic-Based Learning 与 Machine Learning,学生可以根据自己的兴趣与未来就业方向自由选择,选够一定学分的课程即可达到毕业要求。Extracurricular还包含了Introduction to Java (Spring)。

  此外,学院还会定期邀请工业界的大佬为同学带来 Computing Application in Industry 系列讲座。提供了计算机基础和专业主题的知识,理解和实践技能的机会,以及小组合作以及文献检索,技术演示和报告撰写所需的素质和技能。学生也有机会参与大型软件项目的开发。

  MSc in Advanced Computing(高级计算机科学)

  Our minimum requirement is a first-class degree in a subject with a substantial computing component. It is aimed at students who have a substantial background in computing and who want to study advanced computing concepts and technologies in more depth.


  · MAC Individual Project (Summer)

  · Short Introduction to Prolog (Autumn)

  Optional Module



  MSc Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)

  This degree is a specialised degree for non-computer scientists, with modules that are all focused on several areas of AI technologies and applications, to ensure you graduate with a focused body of knowledge in this area.该项目是针对非计算机科学家的专业学位,其课程均专注于AI技术和应用程序的多个领域,以确保学生掌握该领域的专门知识。因此,小编在这里敲黑板!!!对于具有一定计算背景的同学,可以选择帝国理工的MSc Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)(人工智能及机器学习)专业,该专业在学习人工智能和机器学习之余,还可以探索其他计算领域。


  · Ethics, Privacy, AI in Society

  · Introduction to Machine Learning

  · Introduction to Symbolic Artificial Intelligence

  · MSc Software Engineering Practice and Group Project

  · Python Programming

  · Individual Project


  Optional Module



  MSc Computing (Software Engineering)(软件工程)

  This taught postgraduate course is aimed at students who may not have studied computing exclusively but who have studied a considerable amount of computing already. If you want to become a specialist in a particular area of computing, this course will provide a first crucial step towards that goal. 本项目专门研究软件工程在软件设计、开发和维护中的应用。课程的授课对象是那些可能不会专门研究计算但已经研究了大量计算的学生。如果学生想成为特定计算领域的专家,那么本课程将为实现该目标提供重要的第一步。


  · MSc Computing Science (Specialist) Individual Project (Summer)

  · MSc Software Engineering Group Project (Autumn and Spring)

  · Software Engineering for Industry (Spring)

  Optional Module

  给予了学生相当丰富的选择,并分成了两大模块,涵盖了密码学,网络和网络安全,编程语言,计算机图形学,计算金融学,机器学习,运筹学等等。Extracurricular还包含了Short Introduction to Prolog (Autumn)。


  MSc Computing (Security and Reliability)(计算机安全及可靠)

  This taught postgraduate course is aimed at students who may not have studied computing exclusively but who have studied a considerable amount of computing already. 课程的授课对象是那些可能不会专门研究计算但已经研究了大量计算的学生。如果学生想成为特定计算领域的专家,那么本课程将为实现该目标提供重要的第一步。


  · MSc Computing Science (Specialist) 、Individual Project (Summer)


  Optional Module

  给予了学生相当丰富的选择,并分成了三大模块,涵盖了密码学,网络和网络安全,编程语言,计算机图形学,计算机视觉,运筹学,机器人技术,高级数据库,计算金融学,机器学习等等。Extracurricular还包含了Short Introduction to Prolog (Autumn)。

  MSc Computing (Visual Computing and Robotics)(视觉计算与机器人)

  This taught postgraduate course is aimed at students who may not have studied computing exclusively but who have studied a considerable amount of computing already. If you want to become a specialist in a particular area of computing, this course will provide a first crucial step towards that goal.课程的授课对象是那些可能不会专门研究计算但已经研究了大量计算的学生。如果学生想成为特定计算领域的专家,那么本课程将为实现该目标提供重要的第一步。此外,该项目专注于视觉,图形,智能行为和生物医学图像计算的研究。


  · MSc Computing Science (Specialist) Individual Project (Summer)

  Optional Module

  给予了学生相当丰富的选择,并分成了三大模块,涵盖了计算机图形学,机器人技术,计算机视觉,医学图像计算,数据库,机器学习,密码学等等。Extracurricular还包含了Short Introduction to Prolog (Autumn)。

  MSc Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)(人工智能及机器学习)

  This taught postgraduate course is aimed at students who may not have studied computing exclusively but who have studied a considerable amount of computing already. If you want to become a specialist in a particular area of computing, this course will provide a first crucial step towards that goal.课程的授课对象是那些可能不会专门研究计算但已经研究了大量计算的学生。如果学生想成为特定计算领域的专家,那么本课程将为实现该目标提供重要的第一步。此外,该项目专注于人工智能和知识工程,以及复杂的认知和社会行为的计算和工程模型的开发。研究领域包括认知机器人技术,复杂系统,计算机网络和分布式系统。


  · MSc Computing Science (Specialist) 、Individual Project (Summer)

  Optional Module


  MSc Computing (Management and Finance)(管理与金融)

  This taught postgraduate course is aimed at students who may not have studied computing exclusively but who have studied a considerable amount of computing already. If you want to become a specialist in a particular area of computing, this course will provide a first crucial step towards that goal.课程的授课对象是那些可能不会专门研究计算但已经研究了大量计算的学生。如果学生想成为特定计算领域的专家,那么本课程将为实现该目标提供重要的第一步。此外,该项目专门研究软件开发的管理以及软件技术在管理和组织信息系统中的应用。


  · Computational Finance (Spring)

  · MSc Computing Science (Specialist) 、Individual Project (Summer)

  Optional Module

  给予了学生相当丰富的选择,并分成了两大模块,涵盖了数据库,运筹学,计算机安全,计算机视觉,机器学习,机器人技术等等。Extracurricular还包含了Short Introduction to Prolog (Autumn)。


帝国理工学院CS专业 帝国理工学院 英国留学热门专业