1. 伦敦大学学院 UCL
◆ MA Creative and Collaborative Enterprise
2. 华威大学 University of Warwick
◆ Creative and Media Enterprise MA
◆ MA Arts, Enterprise and Development
◆ International Cultural Policy and Management
◆ Intercultural Communicatinfor Business and the Professions
3. 伦敦大学国王学院 KCL
◆ Cultural &Creative Industries MA
◆ Arts and Cultural Management MA
4. 曼切斯特大学 University of Manchester
◆ MA Arts Management, Policy and Practice
5. 格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow
◆ Creative Industriesand Cultural Policy (Msc)
6. 谢菲尔德大学 University of Sheffield
◆ Creative and Cultural Industries Management
7. 利兹大学 University of Leeds
◆ Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
8. 伯明翰大学 University of Birmingham
◆ Shakespeare and Creativity(研究莎士比亚,适合艺术管理类、表演类及学术研究者)
9. 诺丁汉大学 University of Nottingham
◆ Cultural Industries and Entrepreneurship MSc
10. 南安普顿大学 University of Southampton
◆ MA Luxury Brand Management
◆ MA Global Literary Industrites
◆ MA Film and Cultural Management
◆ MA International Music Management
11. 卡迪夫大学 Cardiff University
◆ Culturaland Creative Industries(MA)
12. 拉夫堡大学 Loughborough University
◆ Media and CreativeIndustries MA
13. 纽卡斯尔大学 Newcastle University
◆ Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
14. 阿伯丁大学 University of Aberdeen
◆ Creative and CulturalCommunication
15. 兰卡斯特大学 Lancaster University
◆ Arts Management MA
1. 金史密斯学院 Goldsmiths, University of London
◆ Critical and Creative Analysis
◆ Creative and Cultural Industries
◆ Creativeand Cultural Entrepreneurship(7个分支:Leadership, Fashion, Design, Computing, Theatreand Performance, Media and Communications, Music)
2. 伦敦创意媒体学院 LCCM
◆ Creative Entrepreneurship (偏音乐类)
3. 伦敦艺术大学 University of the Arts London
◆ Applied Imaginationin the Creative Industries
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