新西兰维多利亚大学本科专业 有你喜欢的专业吗
惠灵顿维多利亚大学(英语:Victoria University of Wellington,毛利语:Te Herenga Waka),简称VUW,位于新西兰首都惠灵顿,建校于1897年,是新西兰八所国立综合研究型大学之一,为AACSB和EQUIS认证成员,英联邦大学协会成员 。现有22,000多名学生,其中包括来自116个国家的3,600多名国际学生。
bachelor of architectural studies ((Architecture, Interior Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Architecture History and Theory) )
bachelor of building science (Project Management, Sustainable Engineering Systems)
bachelor of design innovation (Culture + Context, Industrial Design, Media Design)
bachelor of commerce (for majors, see VI Prospectus 2014, page 13)
bachelor of commerce with honours (for subjects, see VI Prospectus 2014, page 13)
bachelor of Tourism management
bachelor of arts/bachelor of Teaching (conjoint)
bachelor of science/bachelor of Teaching (conjoint)
bachelor of arts/bachelor of Teaching (early childhood education) (conjoint)
bachelor of education (Teaching) early childhood
bachelor of engineering
bachelor of science (Computer Science, Electronic and Computer Systems)
bachelor of science with honours (Computer Science, Electronic and Computer Systems)
bachelor of arts (for majors, see VI Prospectus 2014, page 19)
bachelor of arts (in Music)
bachelor of arts with honours (for subjects, see VI Prospectus 2014, page 19)
bachelor of music (Classical Performance, Composition, Jazz, Music Studies)
bachelor of music with honours (Arranging, Classical Performance, Composition/Sonic Arts,Jazz Performance, Musicology, Music Studies)
bachelor of laws
bachelor of laws with honours
bachelor of biomedical science