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会计专业 essay 范文

  留学申请短文(Essay)是国外大学本科申请、商科、文科以及个别工科专业申请的一个较为特殊的文书写作形式,短文(Essay)比起其他文书更能起到决定性的作用。不知道如何写会计专业 essay ,可以多看一些会计专业 essay 范文。通过看别人的会计专业 essay 范文可以帮助你写出更好的一篇会计专业essay。

  essay不同于其他文书,要求写短文的目的是学校希望通过命题作文的方式去了解申请者的各个方面,从而对申请者有更加全面和准确的判断。现在我们就来看一篇会计专业essay 范文。

  As a pay settlement, Credit card had been the tool for promoting the efficiency and save the society running costs. By the popular using of credit card, the loan amount is increasing fast now. According the latest data of PBOC, the totally issue number has got 1.979 billions and the loan amount reach 5.773 billion dollars which increased 131.3%. Until which the retail financial market of China will gradually be opened to foreign banks according to the treaties of WTO is coming. China's banks are confronted with serious challenges. For those foreign banks interested in Chinese retailing financial market competing for the credit card market will be the first step to reach their targets. Compared with those much stronger competitors, most of Chinese banks had developed their credit card business for so much shorter period that their marketing theories and skills are not as mature as their foreign competitors. Be confronted with the serious situation, whether will maintain the current strategy business or develop the new regions of marketing, domestic banks have to make their decisions. Most of domestic banking had not realized the imagination that their annual profit over their annual input. Furthermore, the sales strategy is much similarly and the market segment is much scared. The competition situation is so severity that the topic of how to increase the marketing sharing and how to realize the inner target of management become so hot recently. It is obviously meaningful for us to study the sales strategies of Chinese credit card business. Determined factors of the card issue scale are on the choice of the strategy of card sales. Card sales strategy could fully imply the imagination of the operation of the bank. The apt sales model could link the strategy of the bank and the market, so they could avoid the risk of the market, get the balance between the costs and the incomes, accomplish the targets, increase the scale. At the same time, they could well control the risk of banking. There have been many researches about sales strategy in the west society. They main focused on the organization of the different sales channel, the cooperation between the marketing and the sales. The cause of this phenomenon is that they have entered the mature marketing period of the card business. Domestic banking seldom did many researches of the sales model, and the entirely copy of the business model is so often. Firstly, I introduced the basic status of domestic credit card market, reviewed the historical developing process and current situations and the sales theoretical. I analyzed the key factors of the sales model selection. Secondly, I introduced the some best practices in credit card marketing in developed countries and territories, and pointed out the experiences for Chinese credit card suppliers to learn from. Furthermore, I predict the tendency of the card development, the do some suggestions when we confronted with the situation. Also based on the marketing theories and the card sales strategy theories, I analyzed typical problems in their practices and gave my recommendations on how to improve the marketing practice of Chinese credit card business.

会计专业 essay 范文