Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship for China



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Fee waiver/discount


Diploma,Graduate Certificate,Graduate Diploma,Bachelor Degree,Bachelor Degree with Honours


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This Scholarship is intended to support talented international students from China who are enrolling for the first time into undergraduate or postgraduate programmes at the University of Waikato. The Scholarships have a value of up to NZD$15,000, and will be awarded to successful applicants who demonstrate excellent academic achievement.

To be eligible, applicants must: 1.1.1. be a citizen or permanent resident of China 1.1.2. be applying to enrol full-time in an undergraduate or postgraduate programme1 , as a new international student to the University of Waikato 1.1.3. have received a conditional or unconditional offer of place from the University of Waikato (including a pathway offer for a degree packaged with the Certificate of Attainment in English Language the Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies Certificate of University Preparation International Diploma (Business) International Diploma (Computer Science) or Diploma of Postgraduate Preparation (Pre-Masters)) at the University of Waikato) 1.1.4. have a minimum GPA-equivalency of B+ in the qualification used to gain entrance to the University of Waikato 1.1.5. not currently be enrolled at the University of Waikato in any undergraduate or postgraduate programme not have paid fees at the time of application 1.1.6. not be coming to the University of Waikato via a sponsoring body 2 1.1.7. not be coming to the University of Waikato on a Guaranteed Credit Arrangement3 ,or through a study abroad or student exchange agreement



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      成立于1964年的怀卡托大学是新西兰的8所公立大学之一,目前,该校共有2200多名留学生,他们来自于全球70多个国家。怀卡托大学凭借着优质的师资力量,被誉为“南半球的哈佛”,其在管理、法律、计算机等领域更是享负盛名。那么怀卡托大学申请条件,入读怀卡托大学有哪些优势?今天,咱们就来详细的讲解一下。   一、怀卡托大学申请条件  (一)申请要求  1. 学术成绩:选择怀卡托大学之前,首先要保证自己的学术成绩优秀。怀卡托大学对申请者的学术成绩有较高要求,因此需要在各个科目上都取得不错的成绩。
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      如何申请,学费高不高?这两个问题应该是留学生择校最为关注的话题了吧?作为“南半球的哈佛”,作为新西兰最具特色的公立大学之一,怀卡托大学一直备受留学生的关注,那么怀卡托大学本科申请条件,怀卡托大学本科学费高吗?如果你也在关注这所学校的话,希望下面的介绍能对你有所帮助。   一、怀卡托大学本科申请条件  1. 申请材料准备  申请怀卡托大学本科需要准备一系列的申请材料。首先是完整填写并打印申请表格,其中包括个人基本信息、教育经历、社区参与等内容。其次是提供一封推荐信,推荐人应为你的一位老师或导师,推荐信需要详细描述你的学术能力和个人品质。此外,你还需要提交一份个人陈述或motivation letter,该部分应突出你的学术目标、个人成就和为什么选择怀卡托大学的原因。最后,你还需要添加你的成绩单和标准化考试成绩,包括SAT和ACT。
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