GEMS Undergraduate Merit Scholarship 2023



Not Specified




24 April 2023


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


Eligibility criteria

  • You must be currently studying at a GEMS institution in the United Arab Emirates.
  • You must receive an offer to study a full-time or part-time undergraduate degree or foundation degree programme at the University of Sheffield before you can apply for this scholarship.
  • Your degree/foundation programme must be scheduled to commence at the University of Sheffield in September 2023. All undergraduate degree courses are eligible with the exceptions of Medicine (A100/A101) and Dentistry (A200).
  • You must receive an offer for a course studied in full at the University of Sheffield. Degree programmes split between the University of Sheffield and a partner institution are not eligible to apply for a scholarship.
  • For tuition fee purposes you must be self-funded and eligible to pay the overseas tuition fee.
  • You must not be a sponsored student*.
  • You must enter a degree programme at the University of Sheffield in programme year 1 or year 2.
  • For scholarship purposes all MArch programmes are considered as postgraduate taught programmes and are not eligible for any undergraduate scholarships.
  • The University of Sheffield reserves the right to review and change scholarship provision.

Selection criteria

This is a competitive process and not all applications will be successful. A panel of senior members of staff will select the strongest applications and will be looking for the following:

  • Applicant has provided a clear rationale for applying for a course at the University of Sheffield.
  • Applicant has clearly articulated future ambitions, these goals relate to the degree they have applied for.
  • Applicant has a strong academic profile.


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      谢菲尔德大学是英国的一个顶尖级学府,建校历史可以追溯到1828年,是英国最具影响力的研究型大学之一,也是世界知名的教学科研中心。经过多年的发展,谢菲尔德大学已经培养了多位诺贝尔奖得主,在教学与科研方面有非常高的声誉。目前谢菲尔德大学是罗素大学集团、欧洲大学协会以及白玫瑰大学联盟的重要成员,那么谢菲尔德大学硕士申请条件是什么?  谢菲尔德大学硕士申请条件是什么  学历:本科毕业证书,学术成绩单  成绩:通常要求申请者本科平均成绩在70分以上(具体要求因专业而异),有些专业还要求相关专业课程成绩达到一定程度