MBA Leadership Scholarships



GBP 10,000


Not Specified


03 March 2023


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


MBA Leadership Scholarships will be awarded to candidates who:

  • can demonstrate strong leadership experience or potential
  • have sound academic credentials
  • who have substantive work experience, normally of at least seven years.

You will not be eligible for this scholarship if:

  • You are fully sponsored by your employer
  • You are in receipt of a full scholarship
  • You have already accepted a scholarship from the University of Edinburgh Business School

If the applicant is successful in being awarded a scholarship, but subsequently declines their offer of admission to the MBA, the scholarship will be withdrawn and awarded to another applicant. An award will be withdrawn if a student fails to meet the conditions set by the University.


  • Scholarships will have to be accepted within a certain timeframe in order to secure your position on the MBA programme and also to secure the scholarship funding.
  • If you do not accept and pay the required MBA programme deposit within the given timeframe then you will forfeit your scholarship offer. The Business School will then re-allocate this scholarship.
  • If you receive a scholarship, you will be expected to participate occasionally as an ambassador for the Business School during and after your programme.
  • Successful applicants enrolled on the Executive MBA will receive half the amount of the scholarship awarded in each of the two years of the programme.


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