International Special Entrance Scholarship Program



Not Specified


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Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Pre-Professional Programs,Bachelor's Degree,University Certificate/Diploma,Master's Degree,Graduate Certificate/Diploma


Not Specified


Have a minimum 85% grade average from the grade 12 high school courses used for general admission.
Not have attended any other post-secondary institute previously other than for the purposes of dual credit high school/post-secondary courses.

Students admitted on letters of permission or on post-secondary transfer credits from other post-secondary institutions will not be eligible.

Submit a UWinnipeg admission application no more than 6 months following high school graduation.
Submit a completed application for admission, including all application fees and all supporting documentation, no later than the award eligibility deadline for the desired first term of study.
Have not have been selected for other UWinnipeg entrance awards. New international students with multiple UWinnipeg award offers will receive one entrance award, whichever has the greatest value.
Once selected to receive an International Special Entrance Scholarship, students must register for the following minimum number of credit hours according to their first term of study:

Fall term start: Register for a minimum of 9 credit hours in both fall and winter terms within the first academic year.
Winter term start: Register for a minimum of 9 credit hours in the winter term and either a minimum of 6 credit hours of 6-8 weeks in duration in the following spring term or a minimum 9 credit hours in the next fall term.
Spring term start: Register for a minimum of 6 credit hours of 6-8 weeks in duration in the following spring term or a minimum 9 credit hours in the next fall term.

Scholarship Values:

85.0-89.9% - CAN $1,000 90.0-94.9% - CAN $2,000 95.0%+ - CAN $3,000 The total award amount will be disbursed in equal parts across the first two terms of study according to the registration and course load requirements.



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