International Scholarship Scheme



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Fee waiver/discount




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A merit-based scholarship that provides up to a 30% reduction in tuition fees for every year of your study (excluding placement years). All full-time Undergraduate and Postgraduate taught courses delivered on campus fall within the scheme and you will be considered for a scholarship on the basis of your academic achievement.

The awarding of the scholarship has some key criteria related to Grades, Attendance and paying Tuition Fees on time:

Additionally, to be eligible for the scholarship students must have started a programme of study at UNIC at one of the following intakes:

  • January 2022
  • May 2022
  • September 2022
  • January 2023
  • May 2023

Upon progression to UON students have the opportunity to be awarded the corresponding percentage fee reduction against the subsequent year of UON fees:

Overall pass grade achieved in UNIC Programme % reduction in following year UoN fees
75% or higher - 30%, 70% - 74% - 20%, 65% - 69% - 10%.

In addition to the above merit based criteria, progressing students must also meet the requirements of the UoN's student debt management policy, including that:

If you receive an offer to study with us, it is part of the terms and conditions that you will need to pay a deposit of £5,000 (GBP) tuition for your first year of study when you have accepted your offer. A £5,000 (GBP) deposit will be required for each year of study before enrolment. This will be deducted from the total tuition fee due each year. The remaining balance will be due in 2 further instalments by 15th January & 15th April for September starters and 15th May & 15th August for January starters.



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