Provost's Assistantship



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All eligible students


01 October 2022


Fee waiver/discount


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This highly competitive program grants two types of work opportunities for new full-time domestic and international master's students enrolling at the University of New Haven. Our highest achieving incoming graduate students are offered a Provost's Assistantship. Students selected for a position in this program will work up to 15-20 hours per week (550 total hours per academic year) for an academic department. In return, students will receive:

This highly competitive program grants two types of work opportunities for new full-time domestic and international master's students enrolling at the University of New Haven. Our highest achieving incoming graduate students are offered a Provost's Assistantship. Students selected for a position in this program will work up to 15-20 hours per week (550 total hours per academic year) for an academic department. In return, students will receive:

Types of Provost's Assistantships
Research Assistantship

Students will aid in faculty-mentored research, conduct their own research, or conduct research for an administrative office related to the students' field of study.

Teaching Assistantship

Responsibilities may include grading papers, preparing and teaching labs, and tutoring undergraduate students. Duties will vary by department.

For consideration of a Provost's Assistantship, students must submit their completed application packet by the following deadlines. For the Fall semester, the Priority One deadline is March 1st and the Priority Two deadline is April 1st. For the Spring semester, the Priority One deadline is October 1st, and Priority Two deadline is November 1st.



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