Western Sydney International Scholarships – Postgraduate




Not Specified


All eligible students


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Masters Degrees


Higher Secondary Education


Awards are granted on the basis of academic merit.

Applicants must:

  • be an international student and not an Australian Citizen, New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of Australia. If your status changes to one of these during the study period the scholarship will discontinue.
  • satisfy the academic eligibility requirements for either of the multi-year scholarships in their most recent completed tertiary qualification recognized by Western Sydney University
  • satisfy all other admission requirements and accept their admission offer

Applicants are not eligible if they:

  • are a citizen of Australia or New Zealand, or hold permanent residency in Australia
  • are a study abroad or an exchange student coming to the University
  • are currently enrolled at Western Sydney University and apply for a scholarship for their existing course of study
  • do not submit a fully completed application and/or acceptance
  • are applying to study a program located at Sydney City campus
  • are applying to study a postgraduate program that is less than one year duration
  • have been granted more than 80 credit points advanced standing
  • study less than 80 credit points to complete the course
  • have been awarded another scholarship by the University or another organization that covers the cost of the tuition fees (fully or partially) to study at Western Sydney University
  • Other Postgraduate Programs: The value awarded will be dependent on the level of academic achievement in previous studies: AUD $6,000 per year contribution to tuition fees (up to a maximum two years) or AUD $3,000 per year contribution to tuition fees (up to a maximum two years). Benefits will be applied to tuition fees for full-time enrolment in a postgraduate programs, not exceeding two years.


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