President’s International Admissions Scholarships


Not Specified

Not Specified

Not Specified

Fee waiver/discount

Bachelor's Degree,University Certificate/Diploma

Not Specified
Eligibility will be based in part on the admission offer average calculated by Western's Admissions Office. Western will determine averages for applicants who are not studying in a Canadian secondary school curriculum based on: curriculum, grading practices, and grading scale interpretation.
Preference will be given to students from underrepresented regions.
To retain the scholarship offer in the first year, you must:
You must meet the admission conditions as specified in your offer package.
Register to an undergraduate degree program at the main campus and take a full course load (5.0 courses) during the Fall/Winter academic year (September to April).
Students who reduce their course registration to 3.5 course load will be able to retain the scholarship in their first year. However, the scholarship will not be eligible for renewal the following year. Please see the notes below for the scholarship renewal conditions.
If you enroll or reduce your course load to part-time (less than 3.5 course load) or withdraw from the academic year, you will not be eligible to keep your international scholarship.
International Admission Scholarships cannot be deferred.
To renew the scholarship offer in the upper year, you must:
Maintain an 80% average on a full course load (5.0 course load) during the previous Fall/Winter academic year (September to April).
Remain registered in an undergraduate program at the main campus and maintain a full course load (5.0 courses).
Take the full complement of the prescribed courses of the academic program (both principal and elective courses) within the academic year (September to April).
Letter of permission courses taken during the academic year will not count toward the course load.
Scholarships for Globally Displaced Students
Fee waiver/discount
Entrance Scholarships for International Students
Other Discount
Western Admission Scholarship
Fee waiver/discount
Western Scholarship of Distinction
Fee waiver/discount
Western Scholarship of Excellence
Fee waiver/discount
- 韦仕敦大学录取时间 申请条件难不难?有哪些专业可选?_IDP留学出国留学在如今这个社会已经算不上什么稀奇事情了,随着经济水平的增长,越来越多的家庭开始能够支付起孩子留学的费用,去国外留学的学生人数正在日益增长中,同学们可以选择的留学国家也很广泛,其中加拿大就很不错,加拿大开设的不少大学在世界排名中都位于前列,那么接下来小编就带着大家一起来了解下韦仕敦大学录取时间,申请条件难不难?有哪些专业可选的相关介绍盘点。 韦仕敦大学录取时间 韦仕敦大学申请时间是每年的5月份和12月份。在申请后的三个月左右就会收到结果,因为大学各专业处理的方式不太一样,最后的结果可能会千差万别,通常从提交申请材料那天起算大约要三个月左右,也就是你在一月中旬递交给学校的材料,那么你在四月左右就能拿到通知。