Global Ambassador Scholarship



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Our honorary Global Ambassador Scholarship program recognizes international students who exemplify the Volunteer spirit and have an excellent academic record based on their UT Converted and Weighted GPA.

Incoming first-year international students (non-resident visa holder who will not graduate from a US high school) with a minimum 3.0 GPA* who apply for admission during their final year in high school will be considered for this competitive scholarship. You must matriculate the fall semester immediately following your high school graduation. Students who are selected for this scholarship will be able to represent UT as a Global Ambassador and carry out Volunteer activities orchestrated through UT's International Recruitment. All eligible students that meet the GPA requirement will receive an invitation with a separate application for the Global Ambassador Scholarship.

In order to keep the Global Ambassador Scholarship, you're required to:

Maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) and good academic standing

Maintain full-time enrolment throughout each semester

Commit to being a UT Global Ambassador and adhere to the program requirements

Serve as an example of the Volunteer spirit as a positive peer resource for prospective international students.

Award Amounts

These amounts are based on out-of-state fee-paying status. Should your residency status change, it could affect your award amount.

UT Converted & Weighted Core GPA (3.8+) - Annual Award (USD $15,000)

UT Converted & Weighted Core GPA (3.5–3.79) - Annual Award (USD $12,500)

UT Converted & Weighted Core GPA (3.0–3.49) - Annual Award (USD $10,000)



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