Undergraduate Sanctuary Scholarship 2023-24



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07 July 2023


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To be eligible you must be assessed by USW as having one of the following immigration status's:

Be a Person Seeking Asylum

Limited Leave to Remain (as a result of an Asylum application)

Be the partner/dependent included on the application of a person of any of the above groups*

* Spouses/civil partners must have been the spouse/civil partner on the date on which the asylum application was made. Children/step-children must have been aged under 18 on the date on which the asylum application was made

In addition, you must also

Have been offered a conditional or unconditional offer for a full time undergraduate degree at the University of South Wales starting in September 2023

Accepted the offer on a firm basis

Have applied for a course lasting at least three academic years (excluding NHS funded courses e.g. nursing) by 16:30 Friday 9th June 2023

Live within reasonable commuting distance to the campus that your chosen course is on

Not require additional support from the University for living expenses or accommodation other than that provided through the USW Undergraduate Sanctuary Scholarship.

Due to your immigration status, not be eligible for Student Finance from another authority e.g. Student Finance Wales, Student Finance England, SAAS, Student Finance Northern Ireland etc. (you may be required to show evidence of this)

Apply for the scholarship by 16:30 Friday 7th July 2023



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