Essex Global Partner Scholarship Undergraduate



GBP 3,000


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


If you're an international student studying at one of our global channel partners, you could be eligible for a scholarship worth up to £3,000, which you'll receive as a tuition fee discount distributed across your years of study. This scholarships are restricted to students who are overseas fee payers and are entirely self-funded. Only those applicants put forward by one of our Global Channel Partners listed in the terms and conditions below will be considered for this award (excluding applicants on the UKT Law programmes for which we have a separate scholarship). Applicants must meet our standard conditional offer (not including any flexible offer level, see exceptions to this below). Applicants must actively make Essex their firm choice by 15 July 2022. Applicants that become firm with Essex through rejection by their original firm choice selection. GDUFS students are only eligible for the award if they achieve 85% or above in link agreement programme/s. Shanghai University students are only eligible for the award if achieve 75% or above in link agreement programme/s. ZISU students are only eligible for the award if achieve 80% or above in link agreement programme/s. CSCSE students are only eligible for the award with A in one graded component for 3+1 SQA entry in link agreement programme/s, elsewhere are not eligible. Students must be starting their first year of undergraduate study at Essex in 2022-23. Only one scholarship award can be made per student and the award cannot be held in conjunction with any other University of Essex scholarships. Successful applicants should be available for promotional activities.

The following students are NOT eligible for this scholarship regardless of meeting the above criteria: Current students are not eligible for this award. Students who are classified as a Home fee paying student. Students who are fully or partly sponsored. Students undertaking a degree that is normally delivered wholly online.



  • 埃塞克斯大学附近公寓推荐 埃塞克斯大学申请流程_IDP留学
      别看埃塞克斯大学年轻,却是一所充满青春活力的院校,此前不久,它还荣获全英教学质量(TEF)全英最高金奖,五大专业方向科研实力位居全英前10(REF 2023).今天,IDP留学为大家整理了埃塞克斯大学附近公寓推荐和埃塞克斯大学申请流程,想要申请这所大学的朋友,下面的内容应该会对你有所帮助。   一、埃塞克斯大学附近公寓推荐  埃塞克斯大学附近公寓有哪些?  Hythe Mill
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      全球那么多高校,能称得上是“世界名校”的也不少,今天,IDP留学想带大家了解的是埃塞克斯大学,那么你知道埃塞克斯大学是世界名校吗?埃塞克斯大学申请难度高不高?相信看完小编下面的介绍之后,你的心中就有答案了!   一、埃塞克斯大学是世界名校吗?  埃塞克斯大学是世界名校吗?我们不妨从它的世界排名来看,据IDP留学了解:  2023年《QS世界大学学科排名》(QS World University Rankings by Subject)新鲜出炉啦,埃塞克斯大学多个优势学科表现不凡,政治学、社会学、语言学、哲学、经济学、会计与金融、法学都榜上有名,成绩相当抢眼。
  • 埃塞克斯大学是名校吗?埃塞克斯大学申请条件有哪些?_IDP留学
      对于国内大学,咱们或多或少有些了解,可面对国外的大学,咱们就知之甚少了,留学择校可不能马虎,今天,IDP留学为大家整理的是埃塞克斯大学是名校吗?埃塞克斯大学申请条件有哪些?埃塞克斯大学是一所高质量的大学,还能拿下全英最高金奖,五大专业方向科研实力位居全英前10,或许看完下面的介绍,你就知道这所大学好不好了。   一、埃塞克斯大学是名校吗?  埃塞克斯大学是名校吗?埃塞克斯大学拥有全英第一所独立的社会与经济学研究所ISER、第一所零碳排放商学院EBS教学楼、戏剧专业全英第一的东15表演学院等。
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  • 埃塞克斯大学有几所分校?埃塞克斯大学应该怎么申请?_IDP留学
      埃塞克斯大学创办于1964年,对于拥有众多百年名校的英国来说,埃塞克斯大学算是一所年轻的大学,可凭借着良好的口碑和一流的教学水平,埃塞克斯大学一直备受青睐,深得各国留学生的青睐,今天,IDP留学想为大家介绍的是埃塞克斯大学有几所分校?埃塞克斯大学应该怎么申请?对此感兴趣的朋友,咱们接着往下看。   一、埃塞克斯大学有几所分校?  埃塞克斯大学有几所分校?据IDP留学了解,埃塞克斯大学一共有三个校区,分别是科尔切斯特校区、劳顿校区和绍森德校区。