Masters Scholarships 2022/23



GBP 4,000


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


We are planning to award three Masters Scholarships in 2022. Each scholarship will be to the value of £4,000 funded through the Santander Universities agreement with the University. These scholarships are available to full-time taught postgraduate students at Chester. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and to support widening participation to graduates of institutions in the Santander Universities network within the UK, Latin America, Portugal or Spain.


To be eligible for a Scholarship, students must:

  • have accepted an offer of admission to a one year, full time taught postgraduate programme in any subject
  • on admission to the University of Chester, be a graduate of one of the eligible institutions in the Santander Universities scheme.

The scholarships will be applied first as a discount on tuition fees for the academic year 2022/23, with any remainder provided as a contribution towards living costs. Scholarships may not be deferred to a later year. If a selected scholar holds a full or partial scholarship from another source, this must be disclosed and the University reserves the right to reduce the value of the Masters Scholarship accordingly. Scholarships may not be combined with the Graduate Loyalty Discount for University of Chester graduates.

The University reserves the right to reconsider the award of a Scholarship if the financial situation of a Scholar changes following the award.

If a Scholar holds a conditional offer, the Scholarship will not be confirmed until all conditions are met.

Scholarships are subject to availability of funds and details of the scheme are subject to change at any time.



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