International Merit Scholarship




Not Specified


All eligible students


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Bachelors Degree,Masters Degrees


Not Specified


Scholarship criteria

  • Be a prospective international student
  • Be eligible to study in Australia
  • Not have accepted any other UniSA scholarship or bursary
  • Meet normal degree admission requirements for the degree applied into
  • Have achieved the UniSA equivalent of a credit average (Grade Point Average (GPA) 5.0) or above in previous studies or have an offer conditional upon completion of an award with a Credit average
  • Meet the minimum English language entry requirements for the degree applied into or have an offer conditional upon meeting the English language entry requirement.
  • You will automatically be assessed when applying for an eligible undergraduate (Bachelor) or postgraduate (Masters by Coursework) degree offered at UniSA

Scholarship conditions

  • International Merit Scholarship recipients will be required to be enrolled on a full-time basis at UniSA's South Australian campuses
  • Scholarship payments (15% of tuition fees) will be provided as a discount on successful applicants' student contribution invoice (tuition fee) at the commencement of each applicable study period
  • Scholarship recipients must maintain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 4.5 (or equivalent) in order to continue to receive the scholarship payments. If awardee's overall GPA falls below a 4.5, the 15% reduction will not be applied to the next invoice. If the awardee's Grade Point Average returns to 4.5 or more, the 15% reduction will recommence and will be applied to the next invoice
  • As a recipient of the scholarship‚ students are entitled to receive credit/RPL/Advanced Standing towards their degree but must have a minimum of 2 years/72 units of study remaining
  • The scholarship cannot be deferred beyond date of commencement onshore.


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