The University of Hertfordshire Graduate Scholarship



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The University of Hertfordshire Graduate Scholarship is available to self-funded University of Hertfordshire graduates (UK/EU and international) for their first full year of full-time or all years of part-time (UK/EU only) postgraduate or research degrees at the University. The Graduate Scholarship is available to students who have graduated from a University of Hertfordshire undergraduate degree (either studied in the UK or at a partner institution overseas) and are starting a new postgraduate taught course at the University. Or graduated from a University of Hertfordshire undergraduate or postgraduate degree (either studied in the UK or at a partner institution overseas) and are starting a new research degree (PhD) course at the University. Or completed the Study Abroad programme with us from a different institution. The Graduate Scholarship is available for a range of postgraduate taught programmes offered by the University. These include Masters awards, those at Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma level (but excluding the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), the Certificate in Professional Studies, some vocational or professional practice certificates and short courses). The graduate scholarship is not available for MSc Global Business, or any postgraduate courses funded via the undergraduate student SFE loans being, MSc Nursing (Adult, Child, Learning Disabilities & Mental Health), Master of Midwifery (Shortened), School Direct (unsalaried). International Students who are successfully awarded the Herts Graduate Scholarship are still eligible for the £500 tuition fee discount if they pay in full at registration. International Students will only be able to claim either Herts Graduate Scholarship OR the International Vice-Chancellor's Scholarship.



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