Deans International Scholarships



GBP 3,000


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount




Other Political Science and Social Studies


Teesside University is committed to offering a truly global teaching and learning experience for all students. In order to encourage applications from international students in subject areas where they are currently under-represented, specifically in our School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Law in the School of Arts & Creative Industries, we are delighted to offer Deans' International Scholarships.

A Scholarship of £3,000 is allocated as a fee waiver in your first full academic year of study (all successful applicants on a foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate programme). Applicants on a foundation/pathway programme delivered at Teesside University International Study Centre are not eligible for the scholarship, but will be considered for the scholarship on progression to a full degree programme at Teesside University.

To be considered for the scholarship, you must be:

On a foundation, undergraduate or postgraduate programme in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Law in the School of Arts & Creative Industries, applying to study at Teesside for the first time.
A full-time sponsored or self-funding student, paying international fees starting your course in January 2023

Please note, this scholarship cannot be offered in conjunction with any other Teesside University scholarship.



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