Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme



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All eligible students


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Fee waiver/discount


Degree - Masters,Degree - Masters (Level 9 NFQ),Postgraduate Certificate,Postgraduate Diploma,Postgraduate Diploma (Level 9 NFQ),Masters of Business Administration MBA,Doctoral Degree


Not Specified


The Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme aims to support local students to pursue studies in world renowned universities outside Hong Kong, with a view to grooming a top cadre of talents with global vision, international network and world-class education, thereby contributing to enhancing Hong Kong's competitiveness as Asia's World City in a globalised knowledge economy. The scheme also seeks to support those students who have excellent academic achievement but lack the financial means to study in top-notch universities outside Hong Kong.

All awardees will receive a non-means-tested scholarship to cover their tuition fees, subject to a ceiling of HK$250,000 per annum, whichever is lower. In addition, a means-tested bursary will be granted to students who may need additional support to pursue their study, subject to a ceiling of HK$200,000 per student per annum. The means-tested bursary will consist of two components, up to HK$50,000 per annum for covering tuition fee in excess of HK$250,000 and up to HK$150,000 per annum for covering living and other study-related expenses. Once awarded, a scholarship will last for the normal duration of the concerned programme in respect of undergraduate studies and up to two years in respect of all postgraduate studies. It will be renewable annually subject to the provision of satisfactory documentary proof of the awardees' good academic performance.

To be eligible for the HKSES, applicants are required to meet the following two criteria:

  • have right of abode or right to land, or have entered Hong Kong on One-way Permits and
  • have resided in Hong Kong continuously for three complete years immediately prior to the commencement of the academic programme outside Hong Kong.


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      都柏林圣三一大学是一所世界百强学府。该校1592年的时候成立了,以牛津大学和剑桥大学为蓝本,是爱尔兰最古老的大学,也是英语世界最古老的七所高校之一。如果学生就读于都柏林圣三一大学,本科毕业三年后可获得硕士名衔,而这也是很多学子想去都柏林圣三一大学留学的主要原因,据了解在这所学校读书学费相对而言比较合理,跟随小编一起来看一下都柏林圣三一大学留学费用大概多少?  都柏林圣三一大学留学费用大概多少  都柏林圣三一大学留学费用包括多个方面,大额支出是学费,而学费也分为本科以及硕士两种学位,学生就读于不同的专业,所要缴纳的学费是不同的,本科专业学费最高是3000欧元,研究生学费甚至高达3万欧元。每年本土学生的学费比较低,国际学生的学费是非常高的。而国际学生也要缴纳住宿费、保险费等费用,住宿的时候可选择单人标准间,也可以选择去校外住宿。