Tuition Fee Scholarship



Not Specified


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Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount


Masters Degrees,Doctoral Degrees


Not Specified


Tuition Fee Scholarships are considered on a case-by-case basis. International students seeking a Tuition Fee Scholarship must seek support from their Principal Supervisor.

If supported, the Principal Supervisor is required to complete an Application for Tuition Fee Scholarship justifying their grounds for support, which will then be subject to the approval of the School and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research).

Please note that additional requirements may be requested at the discretion of the school.

Tuition Fee Scholarship Conditions

The scholarship applies to tuition fees only.

The scholarship is personal to the recipient and cannot be transferred to another person.

The scholarship has no cash value and is not refundable.

Swinburne reserves the right to cancel the scholarship at any time in the event that you fail to comply with any applicable standards of conduct, statutes, regulations, policies and procedures of the University, including any finding of academic or general misconduct.

All conditions of the offer must be met.

You must commence your studies in the scholarship commencement period for which you are applying.

You are not able to defer your studies to another year. If a deferral is required, you must apply again the following year if you are unable to take up your scholarship.

If you do not complete your research degree within four years full-time equivalent, you will be liable for any tuition fees incurred after the expiry of the scholarship.

The allocation of this scholarship is subject to review on a semester-by-semester basis by the Swinburne Higher Degrees Research Committee. You will be notified of any changes to your award in advance.



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