Merit Scholarship Programs
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All eligible students
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Fee waiver/discount
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All new students are considered for academic scholarships as part of the admission application review process (a separate scholarship application is not required). Merit scholarships are awarded by the Scholarship Review Committee and are based on the review of each student's high school transcript and class rank. Course selection and overall grade point average are weighed heavily in the review process. Sacred Heart University's Test-Optional Admissions Policy does apply to the review for merit scholarships. However, if candidates feel their test scores provide further evidence of academic ability and potential, they may submit them to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
Merit scholarships are renewable for four years (eight semesters) of full-time undergraduate study provided the student maintains the required cumulative GPA established for their specific scholarship. Merit scholarships are only awarded at the time of admission. There should be no expectation that the amount will increase in subsequent years. Scholarships are limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
Merit scholarships range from USD $8,500 to USD $17,500. Programs include:
- President's Excellence Award
- Trustee Scholarship
- College Scholarship
- Conley Award
Transfer students may be eligible for Merit scholarships based on academic achievements at their previous post-secondary institutions. Programs include:
- Phi Theta Kappa
- Transfer Achievement Award
- Community College Scholarship
- 英国圣心女子中学就读优势有哪些?课程设置有哪些?_IDP留学最近几年,我国选择出国深造的人越来越多了,而且出国留学年龄段也呈现出来下降的趋势,据悉,英国圣心女子中学就凭借优雅的校园环境俘获了一众留学生的心,为此今天小编就为大家整理了英国圣心女子中学就读优势和课程设置等相关信息。在此推荐给大家以供广大远赴他国的学习的学子们作为参考,希望能对你有所帮助。有任何问题都可以咨询IDP留学顾问哦! 圣心女子中学就读优势 学校共有11-18年级的在校学生250人,其中100名为寄宿学生,分别住在两座舒适的宿舍楼里。所有的卧室都装饰别致,学生们可有一个温馨的生活空间。值得一提的是,校方还向学业较繁重的高年级学生提供单人或双人房,让她们有一个良好的学习和生活环境。校舍工作人员认真负责,在学习和生活上都给予学生们无微不至的照顾,多年来,学校一直为自己良好的生活服务而感到自豪,事实上,其服务水准有目共睹,有口皆碑。