Barbara Raw Scholarships for English



GBP 5,000




Not Specified






Other English Language Studies


Five scholarships are available for new undergraduate students studying for a single or joint honours degree in the Department of English. You must have achieved, or be predicted to achieve, high grades in A-level or equivalent. As a guide, previous applicants have achieved, or been predicted, AAA or equivalent. You must hold a conditional or unconditional offer to study one of our following degrees: BA English, BA English and Drama, BA English and Philosophy, BA English and Latin, BA English and History, BA English with Philosophy, BA Music and English, BA English and Film Studies, BA English and Classical Studies, BA English and American Literature, BA English and Creative Writing, BA Modern Languages and English, BA Comparative Literature and Culture and English, BA American Literature and Creative Writing, BA Drama and Creative Writing, BA English and Digital Arts.

This scholarship is awarded as a cash award of £5,000 in total, given in instalments over three years of study at Royal Holloway: £3,000 in year 1, £1,000 in year 2 and £1,000 in year 3, unless a student spends a year abroad (or on a year of international study) or on an industrial placement. In such cases, the payment will be made in year 4 instead of year 3. For students on a four year course with no industrial placement or a five year course with an industrial placement, the scholarship will be disbursed in the first three years of the degree course only.

In order to be eligible to receive this scholarship after year 1, an average academic grade of at least 60 percent is normally required each year.



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      伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院简称皇家霍洛威,这是坐落于伦敦的一流高校。是知名的一九九四大学集团重要成员,全球1%的精英大学。该校是作为伦敦大学选定专门进行科学教学与研究的五所学院之一,地位非常的稳固。专业的不同,往往决定了学生毕业之后要从事不同的工作,因此在申请相关专业的时候一定要慎重。伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院专业有哪些?一起来看一下下文的回答。  伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院专业有哪些  商业与管理  该项目涵盖管理的所有关键领域,从战略到营销、会计到电子商务。它提供了广泛的学习主题,并具有很强的实用性。
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