Royal Holloway International Study Centre Progression Scholarship



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Fee waiver/discount


Pathway to UG,Premaster Degree


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  • The Progression Scholarship is subject to completing the pathway programme at the Royal Holloway International Study Centre and to achieving requisite final grades in the programme studied.
  • The Progression Scholarship is only available to self-funded international fee paying students joining Royal Holloway, University of London.
  • The Progression Scholarship is only available to students who progress to full time degrees at Royal Holloway, University of London.
  • The Progression Scholarship will be applied automatically only to those students who meet the above criteria.
  • The value of the award will be 10% of the first year tuition fees only and will be calculated and discounted by Royal Holloway, University of London as part of overall fees due in the first year.
  • Where the offer of a Progression Scholarship has been made to a student by Royal Holloway, University of London, who has met the above criteria, it will be guaranteed, including in respect of students who defer their degree place for periods up to 1 year. Subject to that, Royal Holloway reserves the right generally to discontinue the offer of Progression Scholarships at any time.

Royal Holloway, University of London ISC - Study Group UK的其他奖学金

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