1.Nobel Prize
1995| Seamus Heaney 谢默斯·希尼|Nobel Prize in Literature 诺贝尔文学奖;
1998| David Trimble 戴维·特林布尔|Nobel Prize in Peace 诺贝尔和平奖;
1984| Desmond Tutu|Nobel Prize in Peace 诺贝尔和平奖;
2.Research Center
Inst for Collaborative Research in the Humanities;
Inst for the Study of Conflict Transformation and Social Justice;
Institute of Professional Legal Studies;
Queen's University Management School;
School of Creative Arts;
Musicology & Composition;
Sonic Arts ;
School of Education;
Centre for Behavioural Analysis;
Centre for Children's Rights;
Centre for Effective Education;
Centre for Shared Education;
Human Rights, Equality and Social Cohesion in Education;
Pedagogy, Learning and Curriculum;
School of English;
School of History and Anthropology;
Anthropology and Ethnomusicology;
School of Law;
School of Modern Languages;
Politics and International Studies;
School of Sociology, Social Policy and Social Work;
Contemporary Social Issues and Policy;
Family Policy and Child Welfare ;
Identities, Lifestyle and Culture;
Social Divisions and Conflict;
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;
Centre for the Theory and Application of Catalysis (CenTACat);
Innovative Molecular Materials (IMM) Group;
Synthetic and Bioorganic Chemistry (SynBIOC) ;
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science;
Digital Communications;
Energy Power and Intelligent Control;
High Frequency Electronic Circuits ;
High Performance and Distributed Computing;
Knowledge and Data Engineering;
Speech, Image and Vision Systems;
System-on-Chip Architectures and Programmable Systems (SoC);
School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology;
Environmental Change (EC);
Past Cultural Change (PCC);
Society, Space and Culture (SSC) ;
School of Mathematics and Physics;
Astrophysics Research Centre (ARC);
Atomistic Simulation Centre (ASC);
Centre for Nanostructured Media (CNM);
Centre for Plasma Physics (CPP) ;
Centre for Statistical Science and Operational Research (CenSSOR);
Centre for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (CTAMOP) Pure Mathematics Research Centre (PMRC) -;
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;
Advanced Materials and Processing;
Aerospace and Manufacturing;
Clean Energies;
School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering;
Architecture and Construction Management;
Centre for Built Environment Research;
Environmental Engineering Research Centre;
Institute Spatial Environmental Planning;
Behavioural Development and Welfare;
Cognition, Development and Education;
EPIC - Emotion, Perception and Individual Characteristics;
Social Issues;
Ecology, Evolution, Behaviour and Environmental Economics;
Molecular Biosciences;
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences;
Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology;
Centre for Infection and Immunity;
Centre for Public Health;
Centre for Vision and Vascular Science;
School of Nursing and Midwifery;
Cancer Nursing, Supportive and Palliative Care;
Maternal and Child Health - Former organisation;
School of Pharmacy;
Molecular Therapeutics;
Pharmaceutical Science and Practice