Undergraduate Research Scholarship



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Fee waiver/discount


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Eligibility Requirements

awarded a URS scholarship as part of your admissions award package
complete project by the end of August of second year

Funding Details

There are two parts of URS Award Funding:

1. URS Scholarship Stipend
USD $1,400 for 120 hours of research, paid through financial aid*.

The first USD $700 will be awarded at the beginning of your project and the final USD $700 will be awarded once all four ending requirements are met.

*Because the stipends are paid through financial aid, you must be able to accommodate the payments in your academic year financial aid package. If you have total cost of attendance already covered, a UROP Scholarship might reduce a loan or other scholarships. Check with One Stop if concerned.

2. Expense Money
Up to USD $300 a detailed list must be given on the URS application to account for the cost of supplies requested. Typical expenses include lab materials, compensation for human subjects, travel to field sites (more than 50 miles away), and other costs directly related to the project.



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