Kummer Vanguard Scholars Program
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Fee waiver/discount
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The Kummer Vanguard Scholars Program is designed to support success as a student at Missouri S&T and to expand thinking around the five core areas: Entrepreneurship, Research, Design and Build, Social Impact and Engagement and Leadership.
The program is limited to no more than 500 STEM scholars each year. Students from around the world will be selected based on academic and non-academic criteria. Each Kummer Vanguard Scholar will receive USD $1,000–USD $3,000 a year for up to four years, and the scholarships may be combined with other university scholarships to provide a broader array of financial support for students.
Joining S&T as a first-time freshmen for the Fall 2022 semester.
- First year students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.4 on an unweighted 4.0 scale and a 26+ ACT/1240+ SAT score*.
- New transfer students must be transferring in 24 college level, transferrable credits at the start of the entering term and have a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
- Pursued a rigorous course of study in high school in math and science courses.
- Show evidence of readiness for and commitment to pursuing STEM majors, including biological/life sciences, business and management systems, chemistry, computer science, economics, education, engineering, information sciences, mathematics, physics, psychological science.
- Admission to a STEM program at S&T and securing a spot for advising and registration (A&R) or Transfer Advising Day (TAD) by selecting a date to attend and paying the A&R/TAD deposit.
Fulbright Scholarship
Fee waiver/discount
CEC Dean's International Master's Academic Scholarship
Engineering Science
Fee waiver/discount
Provost's International Master's Merit-based Scholarship
Fee waiver/discount
Kummer Innovation and Entrepreneurship Doctoral Fellows Program
Science, Technology, and Society
Fee waiver/discount
International Undergraduate Merit-Based Scholarships
Fee waiver/discount
- 加拿大约克大学科学技术研究硕士专业 用科技技术改变生活!_IDP留学近些年,我国的科技成果取得了“量质齐升”的发展,重大的科技成果也层出不穷,科技成果转化也是实现科技经济融合的重要一环,为了推动科技成果市场化,需要更多科学技术研究人才来加入,为此加拿大约克大学就开设了科学技术研究硕士专业,下面,就随小编来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助: Master of Arts (MA) in in Science & Technology Studies 科学与技术研究(STS)硕士课程为学生提供科学、技术和创新在伦理、社会、政治和经济方面的影响的先进介绍。学生探索STS概念和理论的范围和多样性,并有机会从事自己设计的独立研究项目。这一经历使学生能够扩展他们的跨学科工具的曲目,以分析科学、技术和创新的不同结构。我们的硕士学位是一年的课程,所有被录取的学生都将获得包括奖学金和其他潜在的经济机会在内的一揽子资助。
- 多伦多大学生物医学工程硕士专业 用科学技术来改善人类的健康!_IDP留学近几年,国内医疗技术不断发展,生物工程技术在医学领域的应用不断进步,比如:牙科植入物、透析机、假肢、MRI设备、矫正镜片……从而对于生物医学工程师的需求量持续上涨,为了顺应时代的需求,多伦多大学就开设了生物医学工程硕士专业,下面,就随小编来看看吧,希望对大家有所帮助: Master of Engineering (MEng) in Biomedical Engineering (BME) 该课程计划旨在教育学生和专业人员在工程生物医学设备中使用设计原则,用于人类患者。该项目的毕业生将在疾病诊断设备或代理的开发和商业化、促进受损组织的再生、帮助患者康复以及改善残疾人的生活方面发挥关键作用。
- 加拿大多伦多大学科学技术历史与哲学硕士专业 一门横跨文理的交叉学科!_IDP留学科学技术历史哲学是一门横跨文理的交叉学科,聚焦科学、技术、经济、社会、文化、公共政策等领域,对经济、社会、文化、生态环境等方面进行深入的研究,为了大家能深入了解这门学科,小编就为大家带来了加拿大多伦多大学科学技术历史与哲学硕士专业,希望对大家有所帮助: MA History and Philosophy of Science and Technology 该课程是多伦多大学对科学技术人文研究的长期兴趣的表达。在过去的半个世纪里,学院的教员们在塑造这个领域的过程中发挥了变革性的作用。今天的该课程比以往任何时候都更致力于开展前沿的历史和哲学研究和教学,塑造我们对科学、技术和医学的理解。它为这一跨学科使命增添了一项持续性的承诺,即深入参与当代政治和社会问题,包括技术和伦理、科学和种族、医学和社会正义等领域。