Lincoln Sports Scholarship



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19 October 2022


Fee waiver/discount




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In order to be eligible for the Sports Bursary students must first apply. Applications will be assessed by a panel and successful applicants notified. Students also receive free gym membership and sports science support services such as strength and conditioning, sports psychology and sports nutrition. A sports scholarship for all undergraduate and postgraduate students has been established to support athletes in their pursuit of excellence.

Students must be enrolled on the Student Information System on a full-time University of Lincoln course for the current academic year.

- Students must be paying the full tuition fee rate for the academic year.

- Students must normally participate in a sport that is recognised by Sport England and currently be performing at a national or international level, or be able to demonstrate strong evidence that they have the potential to achieve this standard

- Students should be enthusiastically committed to representing the University of Lincoln and supporting student sport through the British University College Sport (BUCS) and supporting student sport through the Students' Union.

- Students must be prepared to fulfil an ambassadorial role for the University of Lincoln.

- Students must provide a record of expenditure and a report on their performance over each academic year.



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