The Keele Graduate Scholarship



GBP 3,000


Not Specified


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount




Not Specified


You must be liable to pay UK tuition fees for postgraduate study at Keele University. You must have graduated with a first-class honours undergraduate degree (Bachelors) from a UK university. If you have graduated from a university outside the UK, we will require a copy of your degree certificate and may ask that you provide evidence that your classification is equivalent to a first-class honours degree obtained in the UK. You must have been resident in the UK for at least three years prior to embarking on postgraduate study. You must not have been resident purely for the purpose of receiving education. For the purposes of assessing your eligibility for this award, we will only consider the classification obtained in your first degree. Performance in postgraduate and graduate study or second undergraduate degrees will not be considered. Similarly, we will not consider performance in academic study that is considered to be at a lower level than a degree, or equivalent experience. You must be registered on, and attending, a taught postgraduate course that equates to at least one year's full-time study at postgraduate level and leads to a named award of at least Postgraduate Diploma level at Keele University from September 2023 onwards. This means, for example, that students who attain, or are registered on, a Postgraduate Certificate course, will not receive an award. Students registered for a PhD or an MPhil are not eligible to receive an award. Only one fee discount of up to £3,000 can be made for study towards one postgraduate award. For example, students registered for an MA will receive one scholarship for study leading to the MA, even in the event of there being a gap between study leading to a PG Diploma in that subject and study leading to the award of the MA. You must not be taking a course that is partially or fully funded by the Teaching Agency, the NHS or any other organisation/employer.



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