AIMS@JCU Scholarships
AUD 33,854
All eligible students
30 September 2022
Fee waiver/discount
Doctoral Degrees,Masters Degrees
Not Specified
Preference will be given to applicants with project proposals that address one or more of the following Priority Research Areas:
Improvement in quantitative tools, models and data platforms that can extract greater meaning from data.
Improved understanding the status and trends of tropical marine ecosystems.
Development of innovative/autonomous/automated marine observing technologies and related assessment methods, to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of data acquisition.
Improved understanding critical habitats and populations of key threatened and endangered marine species.
Development of regional models of environmental condition and function to support management of tropical marine ecosystems.
Improved understanding of cumulative pressures to support better management solutions for improved ecosystem health at local and regional scales.
Improved understanding of the scope and rates of recovery, acclimatisation and adaptation of coral reef species to climate change, in order to improve forecasting ability of future coral reef status.
Development of new tools for coral reef restoration that enhance resistance and resilience of key coral reef taxa to climate change.
Improved data analysis workflows and knowledge delivery systems to enhance understanding of tropical marine ecosystems amongst diverse end users (Traditional Owners, government, industry, the public etc)
Development of structured decision support tools that link risk, monitoring, modelling and adaptive management to support improved ecosystem management policies and procedures.
JCU Postgraduate Research Scholarship (JCUPRS)
Fee waiver/discount
30 September 2022International Research Training Program Scholarship (IRTPS)
Fee waiver/discount
30 September 2022
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- 詹姆斯库克大学名气大不大?詹姆斯库克大学哪些专业较好?_IDP留学詹姆斯库克大学是澳大利亚国内享有盛名的一所高等学府。然而,对于留学要看学校的排名,才能知道该校的实力。作为一所备受推崇和重视的学校,在过去的多年里,詹姆斯库克大学一直致力于提供卓越的教育质量和研究成果。如果你也想去该校留学,不妨先来了解詹姆斯库克大学名气大不大?詹姆斯库克大学哪些专业较好?一起来看看吧! 一、詹姆斯库克大学名气大不大? 以下便是詹姆斯库克大学名气相关的详细内容: 2024年QS世界大学排名榜已经公布,全球共有1500所院校被列入排行榜,包括澳大利亚38所高等院校。其中James Cook University詹姆斯库克大学入围榜单,世界排名第461、澳洲排名第23。