The ICHM Award - Entry Scholarships 2022



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All eligible students


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Fee waiver/discount


Masters Degrees,Bachelors Degree


International Business


We are offering scholarships funds for successful domestic and international applicants. If you are a first year student looking to enroll into our On-Campus Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) Degree or Master of International Hotel Management and Graduate Certificate of International Hotel Management, you could be eligible to receive a scholarship.

The scholarship applies to an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree and covers up to 15% of the tuition fee for the first 8 subjects of study and 15% in subsequent subjects of the course.

Undergraduate Courses

Meet entry requirements:

  • Scholarship valued at 10% of tuition fees.
  • This increases to 15% for subsequent semesters if you achieve a credit or higher for all subjects studied in the prior semester.
  • Scholarship does not apply to subject repeats.

Exceed entry requirements:

  • Scholarship valued at 15% of tuition fees.
  • This is retained throughout the duration of the course.
  • Scholarship does not apply to subject repeats.

Postgraduate Courses

Meet entry requirements:

  • Scholarship valued at 10% of tuition fees.
  • This increases to 15% for subsequent semesters if you achieve a credit or higher for all subjects studied in the prior semester.
  • Scholarship does not apply to subject repeats.

English level IELTS 7.0 (no band below 6.5) or higher:

  • Scholarship valued at 15% of tuition fees.
  • This is retained throughout the duration of the course.
  • Scholarship does not apply to subject repeats.



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