GREAT Scholarships



GBP 10,000


All eligible students


Not Specified


Fee waiver/discount






Terms and conditions - Great scholarships

You must be domiciled in Indonesia or China. There is 1 scholarship available for Indonesia and 1 scholarship available for China. You must be a self-financing student eligible to pay international tuition fees. This offer is applicable to the full-time taught postgraduate degree programmes in September 2022. You will only receive the award for your first year of study. Your fee cannot also be discounted by another arrangement such as a corporate contract or partnership discount. You may qualify for both an award and a scholarship, but you will only be eligible to receive one of these offers. You would be able to accept the highest award or scholarship that you are offered. You must meet the entry requirements in your offer letter before you can enrol. If you are eligible for the award, you are still required to pay any relevant deposits and 50% of the remainder of the discounted fee before or at enrolment.

Terms and conditions - Great scholarships for justice and law

You must be domiciled in Nigeria or India. There is 1 scholarship available for India and 1 scholarship available for Nigeria. You must be a self-financing student eligible to pay international tuition fees. This offer is applicable to the following full-time taught postgraduate degree programmes in September 2022: MA Applied Human Rights, LLM Applied Human Rights, MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice, LLM Legal Professional Practice. You will only receive the award for your first year of study. Your fee cannot also be discounted by another arrangement such as a corporate contract or partnership discount. You may qualify for both an award and a scholarship but you will only be eligible to receive one of these offers. You would be able to accept the highest award or scholarship that you are offered.



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