School of Arts & Humanities fee waivers



Not Specified




21 October 2022


Fee waiver/discount






This scholarship is open to all candidates, including those who have not previously studied at Huddersfield. School waivers are open to Home / Overseas candidates, but Overseas candidates will be offered partial waivers of up to 50%. Offers made to Home students may be partial or full waivers. The School expects to make up to 16 awards in the current cycle, distributed across the School's Units of Assessment and prioritising the highest quality of proposals overall, as defined by the criteria.

Students receiving a full or partial fee waiver will be expected to:

Undertake your research degree on a full-time or part-time basis. If you study full-time, you will need to dedicate 35 hours per week to your degree and must not also be working full-time. If you study part-time, you should expect to dedicate 17.5 hours per week to the degree.

Contribute 80 hours per year (pro rata for those on partial fee waivers) of activities to support areas such as teaching, research, recruitment activity, or administration. Students wishing to teach will need first to complete the University of Huddersfield Teaching Assistant Preparation Programme (TAPP), as per the teaching policy. No payment will be made for designated fee-waiver tasks.

Live a commutable distance from campus and be on campus regularly in order to be an active member of the School's research community. Candidates expecting to register and study remotely, from a non-commutable distance, are not eligible those who receive a waiver and subsequently choose to work at a distance will need to pay for the remainder of their fees at the standard rate.

Regularly attend and participate in research seminars, training, conferences, and events within the School as appropriate.

You are encouraged to design a MA / PhD project that can be completed in standard time any fee waiver discount applies only to standard time.



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