Navitas Family Bursaries



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Fee waiver/discount




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Family Bursary applies where two or more students from the same family study at a Navitas institution.
The first family member can be studying at a Navitas institution at the same time as the other family members or may have studied at any Navitas institution previously.
The family bursary is granted to the second and subsequent family members who study at a Navitas institution.
Not have previously received a Navitas scholarship or bursary, or had a scholarship or bursary from Navitas withdrawn.

For the purpose of this bursary, a family member is defined as a husband, wife, brother, sister, mother, father, son, daughter or stepchild.

Successful recipients will not receive any money from the Navitas member institution. The value of the bursary will be recorded on the student's account each semester of study.
The bursary does not apply to additional units or repeat units that may also be undertaken.
Navitas bursary is not applicable to English language program or any component of any English language program offered by Navitas member institutions.



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